College Life

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College Life

 I walked around campus, nervous. I struggled to hold my books in my arms. My English wasn't very good so I just stayed quiet. And the worste part.

I was very late!

I quickly walked over to the building to where my class was.

'Crap, crap, crap!' I felt someone bump into me. My ankle started to sting in pain, as I felt it twist under my fall.

"I am so sorry miss!" I felt a pair of strong arms help me up. I looked up to see gold-orange tinted brown eyes and a bright smile of the man that bumped into me.

I smiled a small smile and nodded, still nervous to speak because of my lack of English. He grabbed all the books that I had dropped.

"So, what's your name?" He asked. He waited for my responce, but all he got was silence.

"Umm, okay.... well I'm Raggio, Raggio Valdez!" He took my hand in his and shook it," Your not much of a talker are you?" 

I looked to the ground embarrased. I felt a hand on my chin as my head was raised up to look at him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He walked over to a table close by and patted the seat next to him. I limped over sat down awkwardly beside him. I grabbed my translation book and looked over a few words. He smiled and asked," Are you foreign?" I gave a slight nod. 

"Yeah, I'm from Japan." I said with my accent heavily coming out. He smiled brightly," Hey I took a class on Japanese, I could help teach you English!" I couldn't help but feel over joyed by this,"Thank you, but I need to get to class now.." I tried to get up but my ankle was swolen and it got hard to walk on it.

"Did you hurt yourself when you fell?" He put his arm around my waiste and helpped me stand," I'll get you to class, where to?"

I pointed at my schedual," Biology, I have that same class!" I smiled with delight," Oh, by the way, my name is Rika, Rika Nonaka." We walked together and talked about our families and hobbies.

"Man you and I, family wise, are the complete opposite of each other and yet," He smiled down at me,"We have similar interest and hobbies." 

"Yeah well I don't have a ridiculous accent." I laughed,"Yeah but whose the foreigner here?" I punched his arm playfuly. We made it to class twenty minutes late. Raggio helpped me back to my dorm as we left our last class, luckily it was Biology. I enjoyed his company since my best friend Faye and my third roomate Maria were at the library studying. He started giving me lessons that week.By the time that we were done with my English lesson, we hung out and talked for a while. Each day it was a different discusion. We even made fun of each other's accents. I felt that we were growing closer together as the week progressed. And this Saturday prooved me right. 

"So where are you from?" I asked leaning on the chair I was sitting on. He smiled and layed down on my bed. 

"Great ol' Austin,Texas, what about you?" He turned his head to face me.

"Shinjuku, I went to an all girls private school up until high school."

"Yikes, that must've sucked." I chuckled and rolled my chair over to the bed, laying my head on my arms, which were laying on the bed. 

"Naw, some of the girl were all prissy but it was usually quiet." He smiled at me and leaned closer.

"Yeah, but how did you date and check out any of the sexy boys." He laughed. I laughed at his joke. 

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