Be My Valentine?

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Be my, Valentine?

(Faye's Pov)

I was writing an email to my folks back in Shinjuku. I sure did miss them. I looked over to Rika and saw her leaning on Raggio while he gave her more of an English lesson. I looked over to the calendar and saw it was Valentines day tomorrow. I felt a small pang in my heart as I saw Rika kiss Raggio on the cheek.

"Faye, what's up?" Rika looked over to me and I saw the worry in her eyes.

"Yeah, its just valentines tomorrow and I haven't seen Henry in a while, plus I'm getting a little home sick." She looked at me with sadden eyes. She looked at Raggio and walked over to her phone. She walked out of the dorms talking to whoever was on the phone.

"Hey, Faye, if you want to you can hang with all of us," He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled," Maria, Adam, Rika and I are gonna go to the beach and hang out while Barbecuing." I smiled at the thought.

"Okay, well I got you a date for tomorrow and you will be going with us to the Barbecue tomorrow." She ruffled my short black hair and walked back to her bed with Raggio. I only gaped at her as they continued their lesson.

"Wha-Rika, h-hold on!" I pulled the English book out of her hand and her eyes were now on mine.


"Why, why did you do this?!" She shrugged and grabbed her book back. I grabbed it again and chucked it across the room. I stormed out of the house in furry.

I walked to the library and got on the computer to Skype with my family.

"We're doing fine here, Faye, and look your little niece is here to say hellooooooooooo." My two year old niece waved at me and smiled.

"Hi baby!" She giggled," Hows little May doing?" She smiled and hid her face in my mom's shoulder. I grinned and chuckled at the little girl in my mom's arms. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"The library is closing, I'm sorry dear." The librarian smiled and walked back to her desk.

"Hey mom, I gotta go, please tell the others I say hi and that I miss them." She nodded and gave a kiss through the camera. I turned off the Skype call and the computer. I walked back to the dorm and noticed Maria leaning into the doorway with Adam.

"What's going on?" I looked into the room and noticed Rika and Raggio sleeping in a spooning position. I smiled at the couple, but the mischievous looks Adam gave to the couple.

"Adam, what are you planning?" He grabbed, two horns and aimed them at the couple after closing the door.


The two rolled off the bed after jolting upwards awake. We all laughed at the look on their faces as they stared at us.

"What the living hell!?" Rika yelled throwing books at us.

"Adam seriously!?" Raggio beamed at us crossing his arms. He then laughed at the practical joke. Rika was still fuming with anger.She grabbed Adam's arm and shoved him out of the room.

"It is ten o'clock at night, I was sleeping, I was having a nice dream and then you come in and blare a freaking horn in our ears!" She shoved him out of our dorm,"You are getting out NOW!" Raggio kissed her cheek and walked with his best friend to their own dorms. Rika shut the door and walked back to her bed.

"I'll get that idiot back, he needs to learn payback is a bitch!" She collapsed on her bed and fell back asleep. Maria and I shrugged and went to bed ourselves.



(Next morning)

We all went to our classes before getting ready to go to the beach. Maria stated that it was to cold to go, but in Japan this was the right temperature for it. Adam and Maria were gathering wood while setting up the fire. Rika and Raggio were getting the food ready. While I just sat in the sand twiddling my thumbs. Rika called over saying that she left something in the car.

"Can you get it please Faye?" I nodded and walked towards Raggio's 1998 Mustang cobra. I opened the trunk and picked up a bottle of raspberry pomegranate Wine. I also found a bag full of steak and beans. I struggled picking up the bag and the bottle since both needed two hands to pick up.

"Need any help?" A hand grabbed the bottle and pulled it away from my hands.

"Yes thank you!" I closed the trunk and carried the bad towards the beach.

"Okay Faye, first off I know you don't drink and you hate old style cars, what am I missing here?" The mysterious person asked.

"What?" I turned around and noticed Henry standing there with the wine bottle. My heart speed up faster as I looked into his silver green eyes.

"Henry, w-what are you doing here?" I smiled, happiness filled my soul. We walked back towards the others. Rika saw Henry and ran towards him. She gave him a huge hug and we all walked over to the picnic table.

"Raggio and I are just waiting for the steaks and beans, salad is already made and the table is all set up." Raggio smiled and shook Henry's hand," So this is the infamous Henry Wong I here about so much." Henry chuckled and pulled his hand back," I hope you hear good things."

We all sat at the table while Raggio was teaching Rika how to cook steak "the right way". We made jokes and waited for dinner to be served.

"Yo come on you two, you's think dinner would be ready?!" Adam chucked a stick at Raggio's butt, making everyone laugh.

"Hey, I can make it take longer!" He and Rika brought the food to the table.

"Let's eat!" We all told stories of us in the Digi-World and of the past.

"Damn, it got dark out quick." I said looking up at the full moon.

"Yeah, but the best part is that we have a campfire that is still lit." Adam pointed out. We all walked over to the fire and relaxed. Raggio pulled out his guitar and strummed it while we talked.

"I didn't know you could play?" Maria asked, Raggio nodded and started to play a song. (AN: I pictured the song "I will always return" By Brian Adams). Maria and Adam held hands and leaned onto each other. I smiled at Henry who was humming to the song. I reached over and held his hand.

"I'm glad your here." I whispered to him.

"Why so you can hear my wise crack jokes." He whispered back chuckling. I leaned my head on his shoulder watching as the fire dimmed a bit.

"We should go, the fires dimming." We all packed up and started heading back to the cars. I saw Adam and Maria heading back to Adam's motorcycle, while Rika and Raggio went back to his old crappy Mustang.

"So what car did you rent?" He looked over to me and chuckled softly.

"New and improved." He hit the unlock button on his key-chain and the lights flashed.

"Oh my god you rented a corvet!" I laughed,"I expected you to rent a crappy Volkswagen beetle. He laughed at that comment and opened my door.

"Wow a scholar and a gentleman, thanks lover boy." I kissed his cheek and went into the shot gun seat.

He drove towards the dorm apartments.

"I'm glad your enjoying your time in the US." We stopped right outside the gate. He got out with me. I put my arms around his neck and gave him a full kiss.

"I really did miss you, wish you could stay longer." He put his hands on my waist.

"I have to leave in a week, but I'll visit everyday before that, I promise." He kissed my head and walked me inside.

AN: Cute little Henry X Faye I know its June but hey its was Kawaii!!!

I am so sorry that this is late, I've been working on chapter 11 of Digimon Tamers EoT all day and I am currently exhausted. I have also been job surfing because I have no money. Chapter 11 should be up next Saturday!

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