Part 1 - The Beginning

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Igor laid his body on his wooden chair, on his porch. He smiled sipping his hot coffee brew on his lap.

By now the coffee was very warm; still hot enough to burn. Igor did not mind this though, as he was used to the heat of a coffee cup.

Igor had first woken up at 8:40 AM. He worked, cleaned, and did annoying and big tasks throughout the day.

By when he got home, it was already 7 PM. He cleaned his house which was a cozy big cabin, that had television and power.

He made the coffee at 8:35 PM, and as soon as it was done at 8:38 PM, he put the coffee in a cup and mixed it with a creamer.

He was enjoying himself, as he would have tomorrow and the weekends off. Meaning he would have 3 entire days off the week.

He planned that he would clean, prepare, and work out during the night and those days.

At 8:50 PM, he finished his coffee, putting it in the dishwasher. He then vacuumed and did the dishes in his house before he said to himself he was 'done'.

The time was 9:20 PM, he heard that there was a meteor shower about to come and that some might land near.

So he could explore and find out Whatever was in them.

His idea was that he might find minerals that would be valuable in the meteors, as who would not want a free chance of maybe getting gold?

He grabbed his old gray backpack and sets down some drinks, food, pouches, and a blanket.

He stepped outside as he checks the time.

Igor: "9:28...I see some!"

Igor watches with amazement, as it seemed Thousands of asteroids were coming down to Earth. Most of them burned up but there were still some that hit near and far.

Igor spotted a massive one heading...


At him.

He panics as he rushes around looking if the meteor would hit him or not if he hid or ran.

But...the meteor came faster and faster, getting bigger... until.


Igor: "AAAAHHH!!"

Igor hid behind a rock, as he inspected the meteor that must've been 2 or maybe even 3 miles away from his house, or Igor himself.

Igor then went into his cabin, grabbed a flashlight, and started taking steps of hesitation...Until he started walking to the meteor, wondering what the hell it was.

Igor thinks to himself, 'Where the fuck did this come from?!' 'Why was it so big?!' 'What even is in the meteor...or even is it a meteor?!'

Igor's questions will not be answered for now as he realized that the meteor was in the forest...

Oh god, the forest...

The forest had lots of bears and animals.
And the worst thing is that people were murdered here, so the forest might be haunted!

He continued walking, hoping the bears and other animals would not eat and kill him.

Igor was halfway there, it only took about 4 minutes.

But for Igor...The minutes felt like hours or days, he did not like the forest due to the wolf's howls, the bears he saw, and the owl's staring at him.

He loved nature but not a night due to him being scared of the animals who lurk in the forest.

Why is he scared of them? Because he heard stories and rumors about the animals in the forest killed and are 2 teenagers.

That story gave Igor the shivers. But he continued walking, alarmed of anything was going to come at him, and you know, hurt him.

But he dared not to encourage that in any way possible, except for going into the forest.

Once he arrived at the meteor that landed...It was huge. It was 18 feet by 18 feet, but it was 'small' for asteroids.
But for Igor it was big.

He got closer and closer until he realized that 'Wait...This is not rock!'

Igor puts his hand on the asteroid, the rock was cold and it let his whole hand waist into the asteroid.

This alarmed Igor so much that he yelped and pulled his hand out.

'What is this?! Why is it here?! How did it do that?!'

He now grabbed his flashlight and started to pry the asteroid open.

It was not like what was expected, as the 'asteroid cover' came off.

The asteroid was not an asteroid! It was a space machine!


Igor yelped again as the cover was off, showing a black and white pod, that held a human.

Or is it a human..?

The 'human' had fur, which was black, it had a black and very fluffy tail, and its visor was black but the case that held it was black and red.

It had armor on its shoulders, chest, waist, and upper legs.
All of which were red and black.

He thought it was a human attest due to its structure being likehuman'sans.

It looked like it was 7 feet and 2 inches tall. Much higher than a normal human.

Igor was confused. Is this a human? Alien? Was it a cyborg? Or an android?

Igor was confused but he accidentally pressed a button, which turned on the thing.

Igor tried to scream but he was out of breath.

Igor was terrified. Of this thing that can and might kill him.

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