Part 3 - Thoughts

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Zonix woke up first, he got up and looked at the human, Igor.
He wondered if Igor told anyone about him...Or worse.

Is Igor paranoid of him? Does he know that protogens can 𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍 Humans and 𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓 them?

Zonix told himself he would never do that unless he's starving and that's the only way to survive.

He wonders what the objective of Delta was...He thinks so far Humans are around a 5 out of 10 compared to protogens.

He knows he is better in every way possible than a human. He wonders if protogens avoided the planet to get resources.

Humans are 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔, 𝑼𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔, 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒖𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒔.


The protogen then started to make some food at 6:30 AM.

When he was finished, it was black since the protogen had no idea how to use a stove.

Igor woke up due to the smoke,
and he cleaned up his mess and made it for him.
He was mean and kind during this.

The protogen, since he saw Igor pissed, was alarmed, as he tried to clean up the mess...

Igor: "Don't touch that!"

Zonix sounded more feminine than usual.

Z: "Ss-sorry...."

Zonix rushed out of the kitchen, hiding under the bed, as he cowered up a little, and realized that...his ship was broken.

He won't be able to go back home.

He will die here.




Or maybe not.

Maybe there's a spark of light whenever it's too dark.

Maybe he can live with Igor.

Learn more about this whole world.

And humans.

And maybe a little more, because from just having some other species around, you can learn a lot about them in a very short time.

But there is no certainty that he will live or he will die. Though, he can try to call for help, maybe take over this world.

But why?

Why kill one in a million?

Well...not a million, maybe a trillion.

Still, we can bond together.

Igor: "Hey bud..?"

Still...Who is that?

Igor was holding an acoustic guitar.

Z: "What is that"

I: "It's called a guitar."

Z: "?" Zonix then puts everything Igor has ever known in his database, keeping it secure instead of a normal brain that can be forgotten.

Z: "Hmmm...What exactly does a guitar do?" Zonix said with a cheerful tone and smile.

I: "Well you see it's an instrument."

Zonix thinks..."An "instrument?" What does it look like and what does it do?!"

Igor chuckles, "You seem to be lost in thought..."

Zonix snapped out of it, and chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, feeling awkward.

Igor continued explaining the mechanics of a guitar, like how to strum, what it does, and why it exists...All of those questions.

Z: "Wow! So cool!" Zonix giggles with a childish tint to it. Zonix never knew what even music was, or anything like that.

Igor then, started to pet him, for the first time. Zonix purrs making a "-w-" face, definitely a hybrid of a protogen, cat like, protogens are based on wolves.

Z: Murrrhhh~~ Zonix was purring very loud, and as soon as Igor stopped, he got back on task, asking questions about this item and why it looked so basic.

Then, finally, Zonix and Igor begin to socialize about themselves, smiling and laughing.

Z: " we are in ruzzsha..?"

I: "Russia. Not Ruxzhsa!"

Z: "Oh? Well.Ruz- Rush- Russha-no-Russia!" Zonix giggles with a smile, being happy that he corrected himself.

Igor spends valuable time with Zonix, and though, this is his day off he still has to do many things too.

Then, Igor gets up and shows the basement, it had many rations and or water, this could be a suitable bunker, as the hatch to the basement is.

Z: "Huh...So...Tell me why this "basement" is huge...? There are like 3 different rooms.

Igor: Well...You see, Americans and Soviets have Atom Bombs, but before were nuclear bombs. It's the Cold War, if one activates a bomb so does the other...and would be gone.

Zonix: "I see, Using nuclear already? I didn't know humans were this far." He smiled.

Igor: "Oh, Well, I know nuclear bombs because of Hiroshima. America and Japan were at war after the peral labor bombing, The "Little Boy" Or the bomb dropped on the city did a devastating blow."

Igor: "And to make it even worse, basically the entire city was made from wood and paper, so, not only did the blast do havoc, but also light fires and caused the entire place to burn down."

Zonix: "Oh...I guess humans are very dumb, killing their species for no reason..." Zonix frowns, knowing this species is probably very unfriendly.

Igor: "Well, that's in the past, can't be changed now."

Igor got up and decided that work needed to be done, he told Zonix that he had to work and not to burn down the house while he was gone.

Zonix agreed, nodding and smiling. Once Igor left though, he realized that he was enjoying this human.

Zonix then got up, and opened the door, trying to explore the rest of the house.

Zonix was quite bored at the moment, so he sat down on the bed and started to think, he thought about those two or..3 other protogens. He really can't remember now since the crash.

Zonix though, honestly, had a secret to himself, He honestly had no idea what he would do, first, he could get off of Earth and tell the ships everything that had happened, or stay here and not help with the war of the synths.

The synths were an enemy to the protogens. Zonix, to his heart, fucking hates them for what they have done to him and his entire family...If he did have a family.

He honestly doesn't remember much, when he was way younger, the Synths took his family as slaves and him as nothing, they did at least throw him in an escape pod to the middle of nowhere in space and ejected it.

That was a terrible mistake, as Zonix landed on a protogen-controlled planet, a mining planet, he worked and held there until he was escorted to a normal, protogen-controlled civilization.

Though, enough of the past, worrying about the past does nothing, but worrying about the future does nothing, you always have to do something to change something in the future.

Zonix finally, got up and packed up on a little bit of supplies, a "sandwich" whatever that is, and a glass of a "water bottle"... Isn't a normal glass a "water bottle"?..

Zonix got up and finally left the house, marking it as, HOME.

... 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆...

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