God of Demon's holiday

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The God of Demon had always been busy managing the underworld, punishing souls and dealing with the chaos of the demon realm. But with the holiday season approaching, he felt it was time for a break.

He announced to his minions that he would be taking a few days off and headed to a remote island where no one would recognize him. There, he planned to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet.

As he lounged on the beach, he couldn't help but overhear the conversations of the other holidaymakers. They all seemed to be discussing their plans for the holiday season and their intentions to spread peace and goodwill.

The God of Demon felt a pang of guilt. He had never been associated with peace and goodwill. Could he change that?

He decided to try. He went around the island, talking to people and asking if he could help in any way. Many were afraid of him at first, but as he explained his intentions, they started to trust him.

He helped people with their luggage, carried heavy items, and even offered to pay for the meals of some less fortunate people. The God of Demon found that he enjoyed helping people and spreading joy.

Eventually, news of the mysterious stranger who was always helping people reached the ears of the island's ruler. When the ruler learned that it was the God of Demon, he was shocked.

But the God of Demon had won over the hearts of the people, and even the ruler couldn't help but admire his selfless actions. From that day on, the God of Demon was no longer feared as a demon but was respected as a god who brought peace and goodwill wherever he went.

The holiday was over, and the God of Demon returned to his realm. But he had learned a valuable lesson. Even the god of demon could spread peace and goodwill, and he intended to continue doing so.

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