"Who dares to disturb my 𝕳𝕰𝕷𝕷?"

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In the depths of Hell, the Demon King ruled with absolute power over all that resided in his domain. He liked nothing more than to be left alone, to contemplate the endless torment of souls and revel in the misery of his subjects.

One day, however, everything changed. Millions of gods and their armies descended upon Hell, seeking to overthrow the Demon King and claim his throne. The Demon King was furious at the audacity of these interlopers, and he vowed to make them pay for their trespass.

With a wave of his hand, the Demon King summoned his most fearsome minions to his side. Demons of every shape and size appeared before him, ready to do his bidding. The Demon King then strode out of his palace, his footsteps echoing through the fiery landscape of Hell as he made his way towards the invading army.

As he approached, the gods and their armies faltered, unsure of what to do in the face of the Demon King's immense power. The Demon King surveyed the scene with a cold, calculating eye, sizing up his enemies and determining the best course of action.

"You dare to invade my domain?" he boomed, his voice carrying across the battlefield like thunder. "You will regret this decision for all eternity."

With a roar, the Demon King launched himself at the gods, his powers crackling around him like lightning. The ground shook beneath his feet as he landed blows upon his enemies with devastating force. The gods fought back with all their might, but they were no match for the Demon King's power.

For hours, the battle raged on, the Demon King slaying thousands of gods with each passing minute. His eyes burned with a fierce intensity as he fought, and his body glowed with an otherworldly light. As the sun began to set on the battlefield, the Demon King stood victorious, his enemies vanquished and his domain secure once more.

Breathing heavily, the Demon King looked around at the carnage he had wrought. "Who dares to disturb my 𝕳𝕰𝕷𝕷." he muttered to himself, a sardonic grin spreading across his face. "No one, it seems."

With that, the Demon King retreated back to his palace, content in the knowledge that his power over all gods remained unchallenged.

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