the last 40 minutes

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They plan to rest for the night inside a hole in a mountain, I think. BOOM ground breaks in. Now they're in the land of Ogres :]

They fight each other. Gorgebelicious world-building. Lots of running around. Bilbo got yoinked into the more underside of the mountain. He meets Gollum/Precious. Literally my favorite character. Those big blue eyes can take me away any day (he'll probably eat me). They played riddles. Bilbo stole Gollum's ring and then tricked him. Unbelievable fr.

They all escaped eventually. But the fighting did not end quite yet. Now orcs are on them because the king ogre made a phone call or something. Then they climbed tall ahh trees to get away from the wolves/big dogs of the orcs. Some domino effect happened to the trees, now there's only one at the edge of a cliff.

Thorin decided to play Big Boi. He went up to the leader of the Orc to slay him. Mission failed. Bilbo saved him. Thorin like half died for some reason??? Then Big G pulled some strings with a butterfly. HUGE eagles came swooping everybody up. Truth be told idk why Big G didn't do that from the beginning of their journey. Would've saved 2 hours of movie time. Then they're on a cliff facing the mountain where Erebor is at.

***(a smol bird flight later)***

Smaug sniffed then opened his eye (yes, just one).

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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