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Hi there, if this is the first time you're reading this, then great! I assure you, this book isn't total shit.

If you've read this before, or were busy reading this when it got deleted and you were wondering why it was deleted, then please read on.

First of all: ugh.

Second: ugh.

Third: I am so pissed. Anyway, here's the explanation I broadcasted.

You guys may have noticed that Bad Girls Have Bad Secrets is gone. Deleted.

I noticed too.

And man, am I pissed.

Before you guys start threatening to kill me the way I kill off character's (hah), I need to explain.

Well.. I'm more pissed off than you guys! I didn't delete it. Wattpad did. Wattpad deleted BGHBS because someone reported my story. According to this person (who didn't think of talking to me first) I violated copyright law. Apparently, I copied someone else's book. I wonder.. what book? Because I've never seen a book on wattpad, or anywhere like mine.

Everything in that book- the plot, the characters, the sentences, I made them up- heck, I even made up the city! Dude, those are my periods, commas, inverted commas etc!

I'm pissed off because I know I didn't copy anyone. My brain gave me the ideas! And unless I stole someone else's brain and shoved it into my head, I don't fůcking see how I copied anyone.

But now it's gone. And completely unjustly! It's so not fair, because I didn't copy.

If the person who reported my book for nothing is reading this- fůck you.. And.. I really don't get why you reported my book.. If you felt that I copied something, why couldn't you first speak to me? Because this is unfair, because I did not copy. I worked hard writing that story, with my own brain, and fingers, and phone.

And dude, you have a black soul. You should cleanse it.

That's probably the most bïtchy thing I've said online.

If I got to re update every chapter, would you guys (ppl who've already read bghbs) read, comment and vote? Would you support my book like you once did?

So yes, I will be rewriting this book.

Thanks for reading!

Please continue.

—  a r d e n

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