The Forty Fifth Secret - Wanted

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“Bad Girls Have Bad Secrets ”

The Forty Fifth Secret —


A tense silence followed his words and after some seconds had passed, he continued to speak. Slowly, steadily. Each word was calculated and threatening.

"My men were ambushed and robbed of my supplies," Alekkos voice was still the only sound heard, besides it, it was dead silent, aside from my breathing.  "I can't say I was surprised when the backup car reported to me that it was you. . . and followed you here."

Shane was in trouble.

Aside me, Caleb was muttering a string of curses as Alekkos asked for him, claiming that he thought Caleb acted suspiciously that night, but he'd only realised he was up to something when he found a piece of duct tape beneath the window ledge.

My shoe. The tape and felt that had been attached to quieten them. I hadn't realised it fell off.

I barely registered everything he was saying as I struggled to breathe. Too much was going on. Shane was in deep shit; the group was found out and in that moment, I was in a dark, windowless, small space, and I couldn't breathe.

I hadn't known I was being obvious about it until Caleb touched my back, "You good?"

Demetrius brushed his hand off my back, the light from my phone revealing his frown as he stared at Caleb. "Touch might make it worse." He eased himself back until he squashed Caleb to the wall, giving me more room.

"You're not trapped," he uttered, voice barely audible, "You're free. You can open the trap door and get out if you want."

Of course I couldn't.

"You're not stuck. Just breathe and hold on."

"I'm fine."

"Yeah, you are," he agreed.

The voices from below grasped my attention once more. Footsteps thudded below us, moving from room to room in search. Seconds later, the voice rang out as footsteps returned, "It's all here!" One of Drakos' men.

I held my breath, it was completely quiet.

Then, "You know what to do."

Instantly, a loud bang caused my head to snap up. Caleb tensed, moving onto his knees as quietly as he could, about to jump out. The front door slammed shut and the sounds of struggle reached my ear.

"Shawn!" Chaisai's cry met my ear and Caleb grabbed the trap door, fiercely opened it and grabbed hold of his knife.

"Come on, man."

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