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Tenko's POV:

"Ack! This is so exciting! You have a boyfriend!" Boyfriend. Was it a relationship? "He's not my boyfriend. We're just...acquaintances." Magne places her hands on her hips. "He said it himself, it was a date. And he wants another one. Ahhh, you're first boyfriend." I leaned over the desk and take a drink of my coffee. "It's not my first," I mutters. "Hey, do you mind not telling Kai about any of this?" She ruffles my hair. "Your secret is safe with me." My phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out to see a message from an unknown number.

Hey pretty boy

Pretty boy...? How the hell did he get my number? "Who is it?" Magne asks leaning over the desk to read. She does a dramatic gasp. "Is that him?" I nod. "Say something!" I look up at her unsure. "What do I say?" She takes my phone. Before I can say anything, I hear the sound of a message sending. "What did you do?" She jumps on the counter.


" what?" I ask. "You've never done this before, have you?" I shake my head. "Well he texted first, so we just wait for him to respon-" Ding. We both look down at the phone.

Are you doing anything tomorrow night

"Tell him I'm helping you move the plants." She rolls her eyes. "Yeah right." She begins typing. I lean over her shoulder to read the conversation. 

I'm not

How about we cash in that second date

What did you have in mind?

There's a restaurant a couple blocks away from my house.

Restaurant? "Ooo, a dinner date." I look away from the phone. My entire body tenses. "Tell him no," I say before getting up. "Wait what? Why?" I pick up a plant trying to distract myself. "Tenko, he's being sweet." I hug the pot and look down. "I don't like it when people spend money on me." That wasn't a lie, but it wasn't why I was turning him down. "Ju-just tell him no." She jumps off the counter. "Tenko." I turn my back to her. "You can't hide forever," she says calmly. "Eventually you're gonna have to get used eating around people." She puts her hand on my shoulder. "It's hard, but it'll get easier." She places my phone in my hand. "You don't get chances like this every day."

What time?

less boring ~ tenko x touyaWhere stories live. Discover now