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No one's POV:

"Tenko, you do not have to apologize." Tenko banged his head on the counter. "I just feel so baaaad," he whined. "Honestly, I've been thinking about closing the shop." Tenko shot upward. "Because I'm leaving!?" Magne held her hands up. "No, no, no, nothing like that. I-" She folds her hands in front of her mouth and smiles widely. It was concerning to the younger male.

"I'm going back to school."

Tenko's eyes widened. "Wait, really." She nods. "I'm gonna study fashion." They both start laughing. "Holy shit, Magne! That's amazing." And confusing. Magne hated school, why would she go back? Granted, fashion is not the same thing as chemistry, but still. She hated teachers and classrooms and she wasn't too found of people.

"I guess you...inspired me," she says breaking his thoughts. "I've been saving up money for a while now, and I'm not sure I can keep the shop open while going to school. But...ack! I'm going back to school!" They both start laughing again. "Okay, okay, come on." Tenko looks at her confused. "Wh-where are we going?" She grins. "We are getting you ready for your date tomorrow."

Touya's POV:

"You guys are so fucking dramatic," I groan. "I can't wait to meet him," Himiko squeals. "There's no way in hell you are meeting him." She pouts. "Aw, but he sounds nice!"

"Does Shuichi know you're going?" Keigo asks, while staring at his phone. "Why the fuck does he need to know?" I grab my keys and wallet. "I'll be back in hour, don't set the house on fire." I leave the house and walk out to the car. My phone goes off when I get in the car. "Hello?" I ask really not wanting to deal with anyone.

"Why am I hearing from Shoto that you have a date?" Mother. I pull out of the drive way and make my way to the cafe'. "Probably because I am twenty four and not thirteen," I respond bluntly. "So, who's the lucky girl?" She asks. "Guy," I corrected. "When are you bringing him to the house?" I roll my eyes. "It's one date. I think. Besides, he's actually been to the house already." Silence. "He-he has?"  I grin. "Yeah. Very recently actually." She mumbles to herself. "Wait...Touya no. No, no, no, no, no."  This is amusing. "Please do not tell me you have a date with your brother's tutor." I pull up to the cafe'. "What? He was cute." She sighs. "He doesn't seem like he's your type," she says in a low voice. "That's what the date is for ma. So I can get to know him." She sighs again. "I just got here, so I'll call you back. And I'll come over and we can have tea and talk about everything like we're in middle school." She giggles. "Be safe, I love you." I hang up and get out of the car. I walk into the cafe' and instantly see him.

He's sitting in the back staring out the window with a blank stare. He's tracing his finger around the cup of his coffee cup. And mumbling to himself. Damn he's adorable. 

No one's POV:

Why did Tenko agree to this? This was such a fucking bad idea. He didn't even know this guy. What as he supposed to say? "You're very pretty." Tenko flinched turning to the redhead male in front of him.

Where the fuck did he come from?

Tenko stared at him blankly, trying to figure out who the hell he was talking to because it couldn't be him. "So, I'm ready." Tenko blinks out of his thoughts. "Uh, right...so, um." Get your shit together.

"I've wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. Both my dad's are teachers, I guess I wanted to follow in their foot steps." Touya tilts his head. "Dad's? You're adopted." Fuck, too much information. Tenko looked down at his up and nodded. "Interstingggg. So what made you want to study nutrition?" Shit, what was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? "I um...a health freak," he mutters laughing nervously.

He hated himself for that. Part of him really wanted to tell Touya about his problem. He wanted to tell someone. No one knew how bad it really was. Magne and Kai knew he had an E.D. but they didn't know what it was like. Magne could never know how bad it was for him because she wasn't him. He wanted to just get it off his chest. He wanted to vent. And not just about his E.D., about everything. But he liked the way Touya made him feel, and he didn't want to lose that. So he kept his mouth shut.

"What's your family like?" Touya asks randomly. Tenko smiled to himself. "Well, dad is a wild card. He's very energetic, like he's drink energy drink through out the entire day. It's infuriating honestly, I envy him. Father is the complete opposite. He's always tried and a drained and probably high most of the time. I have no idea how the hell they got together but it's entertaining."

Tenko freezes. Why the fuck did he tell him that? "Damn, I wish my family was like that. My dad is a total asshole. But I have my mom." Touya was trying to be careful with his words. Knowing that the other male was adopted, there's a chance his biologic family is fucked up. He could have lost them and he could have been abused in someway.

"Are you and your mom close?" There a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Yeah, I guess. I don't talked to her as much since I've moved out. And I wasn't really around her growing up." Tenko's expression softens. "Oh, I'm sorry." Touya leans back in his chair. "Don't be, it's my fault. I preferred to not be around my parents. My mom was always worrying about me, and it got annoying. My dad is just a dick."

You damn idiot.

"I'm sorry, I probably sound like an asshole," Touya said, realizing that he was in fact being an asshole. "No, it's okay I-I understand. Why is your dad a...um...why don't you like him?" Someone that actually wanted to know about his home life. Someone that didn't assume his life was perfect because he had money. Someone that asked questions.

"He's just so damn critical. He does shit to piss me off on purpose. I swear he got off on that. When I was younger he deliberately did shit to make me cry while we were out in public, then complain that I was being sensitive. He'd also blame shit on me. Like, if dinner wasn't ready when he wanted it to be, he'd yell at me. And I'm not even in the fucking kitchen! He's an asshole, that's why I fucking left." He was getting heated now. Angry. Tenko slowly nodded in response to his rant. "He sounds like an asshole," he answers calmly before taking a sip of his coffee. "You-you think so?" Touya asks. "Yes." He was shocked that someone thought that way about his father. "I'm sorry, did you not want me to respond that way?" Touya shakes his head. "No it's just...kinda caught me off guard I guess..."

"Since you were displaying anger I assumed that you would prefer me to agree with you instead of sympathy or comfort."

"You got all that from listening to me talk for two minutes?" Tenko looked down. "I know how to read people. Though, it's a useless skill since I can't talk to people." Touya leans over the table. "How come?"  The question seemed odd to the raven haired male. Touya could see the confusion on the other's face. "Why can't you talk to people?" he elaborated. "I'm not sure. I've never been good with social interaction. I just can't be around people without dying," he mindless ranted. "I must be an alien because you look very much alive to me." Tenko smiled shyly. "You're just...an easy person to talk to." Touya grins. "Does that mean I get a second date?" Date. It was a date. And he enjoyed himself. "I guess it does."

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