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Epiphany a moment of sudden revelation. This moment right now would be the perfect definition of an epiphany.

I've had these moments before plenty of times, like when I found out my father was cheating and realized that he would never be a good role model or when I caught my mother crying instead of getting mad at my father when she found out. I realized that she wouldn't leave him because she would be hopeless without him.

But at this moment, the realization was that love didn't exist; It couldn't possibly be real. Such a ludicrous statement and it possibly couldn't be true, but it is. Don't get me wrong, I believe there's such a thing as attraction but love and attraction are two entirely different things. You can be attracted to someone without the none existent feeling of love. 

The most you can feel toward a person is attraction love was put there to dilute their intentions with someone else to be completely pure when in the end, they only wanted one thing. The only outcome was complete and utter bullshit.

The book's definition of "Love" means to have an intense feeling of deep affection and devotion, the key word being devotion, loyalty, or morale for a person. And those things don't exist in this world, only deceit and betrayal.

At one point, my parents were attracted to each other, naively thinking it was the ideal feeling of love, but after a while, the feeling subsides and reality sets in. If my father ever had an ounce of love for my mother, he wouldn't be cheating or neglecting his family, and most of all, he would not be bringing a pregnant whore to the house.  When my mom saw the woman she acted as if she didn't care and left the house, going god knows where; but I knew she was devistated. 

"I hope you both can learn to accept the new addition to our family." my father says, his Italian accent deep.

I scoff and his absurd use of family; if he makes this a habit, he's going to have to get neutered.

I understand it must be hard for you both but this baby is on it's way pretty soon." the woman says grabbing me and Mattias's hand.

So basically she was saying there's nothing we can do to stop it.

"You can't possibly understand, judging by how easy it must have been to become a home wrecker."  I spit, snatching my hand out of her filthy grasp.

"Guarda la tua bocca, Matteo Non dimenticare che sono tuo padre." he says in angry Italian.(Watch your mouth, Matteo don't forget I'm your father.)

"Don't try to pull the father card now that expired a long time ago."  I scoff.

"Well, I for one am curious to whether it's a boy or a girl. I hope it's a girl having a brother can be exhausting." Mattia butts in trying to dillute the situation like he isn't forcing us to accept a bastrard child.

"Well I'm happy to announce that she's a girl." she smiles to Mattia.

I pull my twin away from them annoyed looking at her with a frown.

"Mattia be real with yourself."

"What?" she asks confused.

"Dads having a bastrard child and you're worried about the gender?"

"Look, dads an ass no need to dwell on it I'm trying to be optimistic about the whole situation."

" I can't seem to find the optisum anywhere."

"I'm making an effort theo that's all it's hard for me too." she says her eyes glossing over.

"I never said it wasn't." I sigh realizing my harshness.

"Come here." she smile her eyes tearing up as she holds her arms out for an embrace. I pull her in holding her tightly no matter what happens our bond was never going to break.

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