Best Friends

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Why did he have to find out about that stupid scar now he probably thinks I'm a weird emo depressed kid. On the other hand why do I even care so much it's not like I like him or anything.

Well I like things about him not him. Ain't that the same thing? Alright inner voice I need you to shut up.

"Naomi?" My sister waves.

"What Quinn?" I ask surprised.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"No I'm sorry."

"I asked who gave you that bracelet?"

"Oh some boy."

"Just some boy?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Who was that boy that pick you up earlier?" My brother butts in from the kitchen.

"Oh he picked her up too?" She ask's surprised.

"Y'all are the nosiest people I know," I sigh.

"I just wanna know what's going on with my sister, you know I haven't seen you in forever." She frowns grabbing my hand.

"I know I missed being able to see you everyday."

"Just say the word and I'll quit my job to be with you." She says seriously.

My sister loved me a lot mainly because she was worried that something will happen to me. She was a little on the anxious side but it's understandable given what I did before. Whenever there was something going on she always made sure I was taken care of.

Ever since she got her job as an nurse and moved into her apartment I haven't been able to see her. This was actually my first time I've seen her since she moved, outside of calling and texting when she could.

"Girl you can't quit your job for me."

"Oh but I can if you need me I been going through withdrawals from you ever since I left." She sighs dramatically.

She was a bit clingy sometimes but I didn't mind it her love was never too much.

"You acting like I'm a drug or something," I smile.

"You are to me."

"Well if you must know everything that boy took me out on a date." I yell making sure Dean could hear me from the kitchen.

"A date?" She asks excitedly.

"It wasn't like that I told him I wanted to give him his gloves back and he wouldn't take them back unless I went on a date."

"He sounds like he stuck on you bad he gave you that bracelet too those things aren't cheap." She smiles examining the chain on my wrist.

"Trust me he probably just wants something."

"There you go again with your pessimism." She rolls her eyes.

"No you don't understand ever since the situation with Mia and Brandon they made me realize how people really are."

"Oh yeah Dean told me about that nasty snake bitch, I never liked her ass anyway I'll beat her up if you want, I fight kids."

"Quinn you're crazy." I laugh.

"I'm so serious though," She rolls her eyes.

"Girls the foods ready."  Dean calls and we walk to the kitchen, Quin sitting down at the table but I went to go talk to Dean.

"Something smells good what you made?" I ask laying my head on his shoulder while he was fixing something on the counter. My head was more on his forearm than his shoulder my brother was a big guy. He was 6'3 and buff, could have been a basketball star if it wasn't for me, I literally made him a housewife.

"Fried fish, hush puppies, fries, and of course I gotta have the green beans." he smirks.

"Eww you know I don't like vegetables for real." I frown looking up at him but keeping my head on his shoulder.

"You're a little kid sometimes nay, besides they're good for you," he smiles opening his arm to give me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

'Yeah that's what they always say."

"You better eat them too," he warns like a parent would.

"I might if they good which I doubt because they're vegetables."

"Go put the plates on the table." he waves handing me two plates full of food.

I do as he says handing one plate to my sister Dean walking in with his own. I end up trying his green beans and to my surprise, they weren't that bad he somehow made it not taste like a vegetable.

"Theses are actually not bad." I say to Dean.

"Thats what happens when you eat from a real cook like me, I make everything taste good." He smiles.

"How did you make this vegetable hater say she likes them?" Quinn asks surprised.

"I can't give my secret away." he shrugs.

"Yeah whatever." she smiles continuing to eat her food.

"You know what really doesn't sit right with me?" Dean says look at me and Quin.


"The way Maya treated you I mean you both were best friends for over a decade and she's just now showing her true colors." He shakes his head anger clear in his tone.

"That man looking bitch I should beat her ass."

"I'm honestly glad I found out now rather that later on in life some people just want to lose the best thing for them thinking that they're better than they actually are."

"She's as low as they come." Dean says with Quinn nodding in agreement.

Before I could say anything the door bell rings and I get up to go see who it was. I open the door to a red faced Maya and let out a sigh.

"Speak of the devil." I say under my breath.

"Naomi can we please talk." She says desperately.

"Who is it?" Dean comes and his face turns into a scold.

"I think you should leave." He says sternly.

"Wait Dean I can handle this." I say motioning him to go away.

"You sure?"


He nods going back to the Kitchen and I went outside with Maya but I knew my siblings were already ease-dropping from the window.

You got tired of my seconds already?"

"No Naomi can you hear me out please?"

"I'm listening."

"I know you'll probably will never forgive me but I want you to know I never meant to hurt you, you're the best friend I could ever ask for. I'm not asking to become best friends again I just want you to know how incredibly sorry I am and I hope we can be able to come to some sort of middle ground." She cry's grabbing my hand.

I pull my hand away from her shaking my head.

"There will never be any middle ground between me and someone who slept with my boyfriend you're right about one thing though, I'll never forgive you.  And if you really never meant to hurt me you would have never slept with him."

"I know I'm sorry, I really am Nay." She cry's.

"That's all you can be then, I'm done talking."

I walk away those crocodile tears she cried was not going to fool me. She was a bad person and I didn't need her in my life no matter how badly I wanted her to be.

"Naomi you okay?" Dean ask looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say my voice cracking.

"You're crying nay." Quinn says and I feel my face wiping a tear away.

"Come here." Dean says pulling me into his embrace and I start to break down crying. Although she was a bad person I couldn't change the fact that I loved her she was my only friend she was there for me through everything. I had to do what's best for me no matter how bad it hurt.

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