chapter thirty

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Eliana's POV:

Behind me stood a worried Jules with an umbrella on his hand.
Without further hesitation, he sat down next to me and held his umbrella over me so I would no longer be in the rain.
"Are you okay?"
I wanted to lie to him, answering the question with a yes, however I burst into tears in a quick second and shook my head as he took me in his arms.
"I know. I'm sorry no one believes you." he whispered softly, stroking my hair slowly to calm me down.
"I lost my job earlier and it was exactly because of what happened with Pablo. If my father finds out about this-"
"He won't hear about any of it," Jules interrupted me with a smile and wiped away my tears with his thumb.
"What am I supposed to do? I'm hated everywhere, the only thing I read every day are threats and death wishes, I can hardly show my face in public and now I've lost my job too." I sobbed loudly and was hugged by him right back.
In those minutes, or hours, I told him all the feelings and thoughts since the incident.
The way Pablo reacted and hurt me in the process.
But I still love him and am broken by the fact that he is no longer with me.

I definitely needed this silence and closeness and I'm grateful to him that he came exactly at such a moment.
"Why are you here?" I asked him after a while, because it was really weird that he was walking around at night.
"When I've had a bad day, this is my comfort spot. I don't know why, but this field here with the light wind calms me down."
After his answer, he put his jacket around me and apologized for not noticing it earlier, which made me smile.
He is a real gentleman.
After a long time we decided to leave this place and I arrived home after half an hour, thanks to Jules.
I hid my things right in the room, got dressed with new clothes and dried my hair so that nothing would come across suspiciously.
Fortunately, my father was not at home, so I could spend the rest of the time in the living room and then went to sleep tired.
That Jules saw me with such a gruesome appearance makes me a little embarrassed, yet he helped me.

The next bad day was coming and without any motivation I brushed my teeth and made myself something for breakfast.
Everyone else was at work, that's why I was alone in the house.
Well, it wouldn't be like that if I wasn't fired.
With some forcing, I managed to finish my toast and watched my favorite show in the living room, which honestly was kind of boring.
Before I even wanted to get up from the sofa, my phone vibrated and widened my eyes in shock as Pedro's name appeared in my screen.
He was calling me?
I hadn't heard from him since the incident.

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