Chapter 2

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Changbin's POV ~

"Well,you killed Hyunjin love-" Chan said. That just made Felix more flustered than he already was. "Sorry-!" He apologized,then he hid his face into his sweater. "Eh don't worry about it. He'll recover." I said to him. "Still...-" He kept his face hidden in his sweater sleeves,and Hyunjin finally got up. Then the bell rang. "Class dismissed!" Jimin said,then we all left. "So Lix,what class do you have next?" Innie asked him. "Uhm..." Felix took out his schedule and looked at it for a moment. "Mr. Zico.." He said. "Oh,sweet,Bin,Ji,and I have his class next." Chan said,and I just nodded my head. "Well,see you guys later then." The rest of the guys left to their classes. "C'mon Lix,we'll take you." I said to him,and Chan and Jisung nodded. Then we walked with him to class. "So what class is it anyway?" Lix asked. "Rap,why?" This caught Lix by surprise. "Rap!? I can't rap!-" He said. "Eh don't worry about it,most people can't in the class,it's just one of those classes you have to take." I said to him. "Ugh..." He complained. 'Cute..'

To lunch cuz uh- hehe- ✨️laziness✨️ ~

Jeongin POV ~

The bell rang,and we all left to head to the cafeteria. We invited Lix over with us,and he accepted! Yay! We all sat with our food,thanked for what we have,and we began to eat. "So Felix,would you want to debut with us?" Jisung hyung asked. He nodded pretty excited and he smiled. I'm pretty sure I could speak for all of us when I say that Felix's smile lit up the room,his freckles were like the all-knowing galaxy,his hands were so small and.. "Innie,you're staring at Felix," Minnie hyung whispered to me. I went bright red,I hadn't realized. "Innie? You okay?" Felix asked. I nodded vigorously,still embarrassed. "If you say so- anyway,yeah! If it's alright with you guys..I'd love to!" He smiled even brighter,I wanted to stare again,but then I'd just come off as strange. "Yeah! We'd love that!" Chan said. "I think you'd work great with us Lix,you've already proven you're great in so many sections of our classes,it would be idiotic for us not to want you to debut with us. I mean come on,and let another group take you? Nope." Minho said,and we all agreed with him. At this point,it was Felix's turn to go flustered. Just like when we met him earlier today,he buried his face into his sweater sleeves,bright red in the face. I could read it on everybody else's faces,we all had the same thought,he was absolutely adorable,and it seemed we all realized the same thing too....

We fell for Lee Felix....

At de end of de day ~

Nobody's POV ~

"C'mon Lixie! I wanna see how you settled in!" Jisung said,taking Felix back to the dorms. "Lucky...he got Felix as a roommate." Hyunjin said. "Hey,what's wrong with me Jin?" Minho asked. "I," He sighed. "Nothing Min,I'm just saying! You all have to admit that you're at least a little jealous that Jisung got to room with Felix." They looked at each other,and yeah. He was right. "Hey,at least they put us all next to each other,so at least we can just literally walk next door if we want to see him." Changbin said. "Hmph,still." Hyunjin said,putting a sort of pout on his face. Minho then wrapped his arms around him,making him go red. "Oh, calm yourself, Jin,your drama llama side is showing." "I- sh!" Hyunjin said,pushing Minho's face away,making us all laugh at his dramatic antics.

With Jisung and Felix at the dorms ~

"I can't wait to see how you've settled Lix! I'm sure it looks adorable! Like you!" Jisung commented. "Please- I'm not adorable." Felix said,making Jisung gasp dramatically. "Who hurt you??? Who told you such lies!?"

"I- nobody did Ji-" Jisung shushed him,and pulled out his phone and dialed Chan on FaceTime. "Yeah Ji?" Chan answered the call. "Somebody has hurt our sunshine!" He exclaimed. "What are you talking abou-" Chan started. "He said he wasn't adorable!" This made everybody on the other side of the phone gasp. "Who hurt you!?" Felix heard from Hyunjin. "Who told you such lies." Minho said as more of a statement rather than a question. (Tell me what's my qUeStIoN-) "That's what I said!!!" Jisung said. "Guys I'm not even all that chill-" "Liar!" They all,Jisung included,yelled at Felix for thinking he isn't attractive. They argued about it for a good 10 minutes,until Felix finally gave in. "Alright alright I get it!-" He said,with his freckles standing out more due to the pink background they now had. "Good!" Jisung said. "Well we might as well head on up there,we'll meet you both at our hallway,deal?" Chan said. "Deal!" They both said in return before Jisung hung up the phone.

A few minutes later ~

"Hey guys- where'd you go?" Chan asked. When they got upstairs,the hall was empty. "Eeee!" They heard Jisung squeal,which put them all in a panic as they ran towards the door in came from. "Ji???" Minho called out,before Jisung opened the door to the dorm. "You guys have to see what Felix did for his side!!! It's adorable!!!!" He let them in as they sighed of relief,then they looked around at how Felix has adjusted,and gasped. Jisung was right,it was really adorable. He had small strings on the wall with clips on them,likely for photos,his bed was made but he had a fluffy blanket and a few stuffed animals here and there,you could see his clothes that had yet to be unpacked consisted of sweaters,hoodies,light blue jeans,etc. Underneath his bed,was a box without a label or anyway to see inside. "What's in the box,Lix?" Jisung asked. "Hm,yknow what idk,I think my eomma snuck it with me," He said,picking up the box and putting it on his bed. As he grabbed a box cutter and opened the box,he smiled at the actions of his eomma. "What? What is it?" Hyunjin asked. "My eomma packed all my medals and my belts from taekwondo,don't ask me why,she just did." He said,making the 7 others hum in response. "Do you still take taekwondo Felix hyung?" Jeongin asked. "No,but I still practice every now and then," He said. "Hm,you'll have to teach us some things at some point,yeah?" Chan said as the younger smiled and nodded as he placed the box back underneath his bed. "So,what do you guys want to do? It is Friday after all-" "Game night!!!!" Jisung said,interrupting Minho,making the others chuckle at the other's excitement. "What?? It'll be fun! And it's a good way to bond more with Lix!" He said,and the others agreed and smiled. "Sounds like fun,what's first?" Felix asked. "Hm,well I have a deck of cards on me,but we could always just get a game from the store." Changbin said. "SLEEPOVER!!!!" The two youngest said,in a quite excited voice,almost sounding like small children,making the others laugh. "Very well,sleepover it is." Chan said.

Word Count: 1255

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