Chapter 8

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(A/N: This is basically a chapter showing that everyone,even idols,have things they're insecure about. And that's okay! This chapter was based off the song "Insecurites" by Isabelle Foster. Song posted above(at least it should be)! And this chapter in no way is meant to drag down our lovely boys or start any rumors! I don't know if they're actually insecure about these things,or if some of these things are even said,but this is supposed to be fiction anyways. This is strictly for writing and entertainment purposes. There are several things that some may not like,but I won't say what because do not want to spoil anything from this chapter for those who want to read. This chapter is NOT mandatory to read,it's not going to really change the storyline drastically. While it will influence future chapters,you'll still know what's happening even if you don't read it. <3 The different POVs are in order of age,and each POV will show what one or two of them are insecure about. This is a sadder chapter,but don't worry! You'll like the ending! I hope- This chapter is also written at a further point in the run of SKZ,so it's a big timeskip forwards! <3 )

I have...insecurities....

Chan's POV ~

I've been up all night again..I'm positive everyone else is asleep. But I just can't. I worry about it..what if..

What if I'm not a good enough leader to them?

They deserve the best leader..they all do...but could I be that?

I'm doing what I can..but what if it's not enough?

I've been at the academy for 7 years..I've lost people over those years from them debuting or just leaving..

I didn't even realize the tears flowing down my face,not until I felt someone wipe them away,as I turned,I saw the dwaekki of our group standing beside me.

"Hyung..what are you doing up this late..nevertheless crying..?"


"I just don't know if I can do all deserve the best leader..I just don't know if I can do that for you..."

I ignore them but it's hard..

Minho's POV ~

I've lost track of what time it was..but right now I really didn't care..I couldn't help but stare at my thighs.

Many people have told me they like them,including the guys,but I don't know...sometimes I wish they were thinner..ya know? Like Innie..his are slim and just over all look better..

Nowadays I've been sitting with my feet pushing up and lifting my legs,hoping to make my thighs look smaller,it seemed to have worked for a little bit,but after a didn't seem to anymore.

They say the most destructive things are your own thoughts..I didn't really understand what they meant before..but I guess I do now..

I guess I zoned out,because while I was thinking with my gaze on my thighs,I felt slender arms wrap up around me from behind,with their hands stopping and resting on the inner side of my thighs.

I felt my face flush red,and looked at the arms,not having to look behind me to figure out who they belonged to.

"You have a look of disgust when you look at your thighs,why?"

I didn't look back at him. I couldn't.

"When you feel you're not good enough.."

Changbin's POV ~

I came back from the gym,I've always been quite confident with my muscle mass and my build,but recently..

I saw quite a few posts about my image online. Most were positive,some..not so much.

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