Chapter 5

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Felix's POV ~

I couldn't sleep at all last night..I was too stuck in my own thoughts,we all stayed in Chan hyung and Changbin hyungs dorm,the rest of the guys were still asleep,but I was restless all night. The thought kept coming back to me. But...I still couldn't deny it..

I'm in love with the guys...all of them..

I couldn't tell them that,there's no way. I know they're all dating each other,but I don't know them like they know each other,I would just make it awkward. But,I was so lost in my thoughts,I didn't realize I was staring at them.

Hyunjin's POV ~

I sat up and looked around to see who was awake,and nobody was,except for Felix. He was,staring? Strange..,he seemed out of it. But then I realized it.

He looked absolutely exhausted.

He looked like he hadn't slept,and when I got up,he didn't even bat an eye. I walked over and waved my hand in front of his face,whispering to him. "Lixxie,? You okay in there?" I asked him,and he finally snapped out of it. "Oh Jinnie hyung,did I wake you? I'm sorry if I did I-" "Felix you couldn't have woken me up,you were still as a stone,zoned out and staring at practically nothing. You seem exhausted Lix,did you sleep at all?" I asked,growing concerned for Felix. He shook his head no,and I tilted my head to the side. "Why not Bokkie? Was something on your mind?" He nodded. "Do you..wanna maybe talk about it,?" I asked. He thought for a moment,and he took a deep breath. "I...don't want to ruin anything I have with you or the guys if I tell you.." "You won't,Lix,so what's troubling you?"


I've fallen for you and the guys..."

His words shocked me,my eyes widened and I stiffened. "I-I'm sorry..I knew I shouldn't have said anything.." He said,getting up while looking down at the ground. He was trying to hide his face,but I could tell he was on the verge of tearing up. I grabbed his hand before he left,and he looked back at me with teary eyes. "Let's talk in my dorm,Lix.." I said,and he nodded. Then we both walked out of the dorm and walked to mine and Minho's dorm. I sat him down on the bed and sat next to him as he tried to wipe his tears away. I moved his hands and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"Lix..I..we..all love you,you know that right? Not just as friends,but we love you like we love each other,we all do. I wasn't supposed to tell you,but I don't want you to tear yourself apart because of feelings that are not at all your fault. We love you,Lixxie. I mean that with all my heart." I said,pecking him softly on his cheek. He gave me a sad smile,and hugged me around my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up. He went red,and I chuckled softly at the flustered younger. "Let's head back,baby,you need sleep." I said,carefully and quietly carrying him back to the dorm.

Everyone was still asleep surprisingly,so I pulled Felix with me to the place I slept,laid him on me,and covered us as the other fell asleep on my chest.

In the Actual Morning,11:35 am ~

Changbin's POV ~

We were all awake by this point,well,almost all of us. Currently Jisung,Jeongin,and Seungmin are taking hundreds of photos of Hyunjin and Felix,who are still asleep,because they're cuddling. I had to admit though,it was adorable. "Do you think they'll ever stop teasing them about this?" Chan asked. "Oh absolutely not." I said,making him chuckle. "Hey hey move they're waking up!-" Jisung whisper-shouted as the three backed up. Felix shifted around,before sitting up and yawning. Jisung slammed his fist into his chest with a gasp,and fell backwards onto Minho dramatically. "Seriously?" He said. "Time of death?" Jeongin said. "11:40" Seungmin said. "Cause,Felix being more adorable than thought possible." Seungmin said as Felix rubbed his eyes with his sweater sleeves. Hyunjin groaned,sat up,and wrapped his arm around Felix and put his head on his shoulder. "Mmorning Lix.." He said,still waking up. Felix leaned back onto Hyunjin,still tired. "Morning Jinnie hyung.." He looked around at the rest of us and gave a tired smile. "Well good morning to you too Felix and Hyunjin. Did you sleep well?" Chan said,smiling at the sight of the two tired boys. They both nodded,secretly happy it was still the weekend. "Hey,could I talk to you guys about something,?" Felix said,we all looked at each other,and Jisung finally got up,and we nodded. "You sure you're ready to tell them Lix?" Hyunjin said,making us more confused. "What? What is it Lix?"

Jisung's POV ~

Hyunjin and Felix both looked serious,Felix was picking at his fingers while Hyunjin was holding him close. Is it just me or did they seem closer than yesterday? And what was it that was so secretive that it was hidden and literally seems like taboo to them? This was confusing,I wanted to know!!!! "What? What is it Lix?" Changbin spoke,I wanted to know too,and I'm pretty sure we all did. Felix didn't speak for a moment,like he was zoned out,and he was picking at the skin and the nails on his fingers. Hyunjin shook him by the waist,snapping him out of his trance. "Lix,baby," He said,wait,hold on- baby!? Since when- what- huh!?- "Huh- oh- right..sorry." He said. He took a deep breath,and looked at his hands before looking up at us.


"I've fallen in love with you...all..of you.."

Word Count: 1012

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