Chapter 6

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"I've fallen in love with you...all of you.."

Nobody's POV ~

The eyes of the 6 boys widened at hearing Felix's words,they were starstruck.

Felix was fidgeting again,fearing what the boys were thinking,all while Hyunjin held him in a comforting embrace.

"Alright,I know I'm not one for skinship but.." Minho said,before taking Felix into a hug. The boy was surprised,but returned it nonetheless. "We do too Felix,we have for a long,long while mate." Chan said,smiling at the two embraced boys. Felix sniffled,making all their expressions go concerned. "Nooo Sun! Don't tell me you're crying!" Jisung said,looking over at his sunshine twin. Felix lifted his face,and looked at them all with tears rolling down his cheeks,but a bright smile still on his face. The other 7 all cooed at the sight,and the 6 around the room joined the embrace of the other two.

"Felix?" They all heard Chan say. "Would you,,,want,to join our relationship?" He asked,the faces of the other 6 lit up at the idea,and Felix's did too,with his eyes seeming to sparkle and his smile seeming to get brighter. "I'd love to!" He said,while Jeongin ruffled his fluffy blonde hair.

Everything was good,they were truly eight or ain't now,however...Coming from Australia,Felix never knew someone had followed him,hoping to take his heart.

And they were going to do whatever it took to get that...

And to that person,this group was in the way of them and Felix...

So...they had a choice to make on what plan to take.


Take Felix for themselves,leaving with him without a trace to track,and make him fall for them through deception.


Personally take care of the 7 boys,and make Felix love them through deception,making him feel like only they were there for him,and that only they cared.

Eventually,they made their decision on which plan to take.

Which was it? Well I can't tell you that just yet silly,that would spoil the future,and we don't want that now do we?

Later that night,12:45(00:45) am ~

The boys were all asleep,cuddling on the massive bed they made from pushing the two in there together and a few parts from a couch.

The anonymous person picked the lock to the dorm,and silently walked in,getting closer and closer to the eight sleeping boys. Their gaze landed on Felix,as a twisted,sinister smile came to their face underneath the mask they wore. Now here would come one of the hardest parts of the plan...

Getting Felix away from the 7 boys,some of which who were light sleepers,especially the oldest,who was known for having sleeping issues and insomniac behaviors most nights. They managed to untangle the freckled blonde from the embrace of the others. As soon as they did,Chan stirred in his sleep,growing restless. In a panicked state,they quickly took Felix off the bed and quickly ran out the door.

Hearing all the fuss and shuffling,Chan woke up,and while he kept his eyes closed for a moment,he felt a gap in the mass of his loves,and he recognized who was there originally.


He opened his eyes,seeing that everyone was still there asleep,except for Felix. He looked around,noticing the door was open.

Chan's POV ~

I slowly got up,looked at the time,it was the middle of the night,and Felix never told us about any sleeping issues that he might have,so why would he be up this late?

I walked over to the open door,and realized something.

Felix didn't leave the door open,someone broke in. They picked the lock. And my guess..

Is that they left with Felix.

My eyes widened at the thought of all the things that could happen to him,I shook the others awake,to which they all groaned upset considering it was the middle of the night and they were comfortable.

"'s past midnight...what is it.." Changbin groaned,rubbing his eyes. "Felix is gone." I said sternly,seeing all the color drain from their faces as their eyes went wide. "What!?" They all said in unison. "Someone broke in. They picked the lock and now he's gone." I said.


We all heard the sounds of a struggle,no,a fight.

We all ran outside,not caring the half of us were either shirtless,in pajamas,or looked like we just woke up,because we did,we didn't care. Felix could be hurt,and we all,especially his sunshine twin,couldn't imagine what would happen if Sun's bright personality even dimmed a fraction because of something someone did to him.

As we ran down the halls following the noise,we saw a masked person,who we assumed was the intruder,being kicked to a wall with a black eye and a very tired posture. Once we looked around the corner,we saw Felix standing above the mysterious person. And while wasn't in prime condition,he was doing better than the other person. But he did have a bruise on his jaw,a reddened hand print from a tight grip on both his neck and his forearm,as well as a bleeding nose. I felt anger and rage bubble inside from seeing how they hurt Felix,and I could tell that the others felt it too.

"Calm down,all of you." Felix spoke up in a deep,raspy morning voice. I think I speak for us all when I say if it wasn't a bad time,we all would've just fell to our knees and came right then and there because fuck it was hot. But now was not a good time for that. Jisung grabbed a towel from the nearest laundry room and wiped away the dried blood from his nose and kept it there to soak up the flowing blood. We kept ourselves from absolutely beating the fuck out of the intruder,and we walked back to the dorm to one,get Felix patched up,and two,hopefully get a new lock on our door,one that you can't just pick to get inside. Jisung kept the towel to Felix's bleeding nose,as Minho cared for his bruises.

"Hey,Sun?" Jisung asked,making the other look his way. "Yeah,Ji?" He said,moving the towel away from his nose that had now stopped bleeding. "The guy probably was armed,how did you end up doing all that to him?" He asked,and Felix smiled a bit,wiping away the rest of the dried blood from his nose. "It didn't take much,just some blocking and a few kicks I learned the first few years I did taekwondo." He said,and it did make sense,he did say he did it for 12 years,after all. "We're just glad you're alright,Sun. You really gave us a scare,you know that?" Hyunjin said,pecking Felix's forehead. The action made the other smile and giggle at the older,and we all just thought it was plain adorable. I ruffled Felix's hair,and he leaned into my touch.

With a yawn,Jeongin spoke up. "As much as I'm glad Felix is okay..and as much as this is cute..hyungs..I'm tired..can we go back to sleep.?" He asked,we all chuckled and nodded,and we situated back into a comfortable position,similar to the one we were in before the break in fiasco. Slowly,one by one,we shifted into what was most comfortable,and eventually fell back to the land of slumber in each other's embraces.

(Fluffy chapter :D)

Word Count: 1300

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