IV: What If

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What If Muzan never showed up?

This chapter contains the following: Attempted suicide, rape, children sexual assault

3rd Person POV

       Senjuro stood on the edge of a cliff, observing how far the drop was before coming to the conclusion that he would die instantly once his body collided with the ground.

He could hear rustling from the bushes behind him but he didn't dare turn around to look at what was the cause of the noise as in the end it didn't really matter to him.

Senjuro let his eyes flutter shut as he took in a deep breath, pushing down the part of him that screamed to not jump before he was caught off guard by his hair being yanked.

His hair was pulled with such force that he could hear strands being torn from his scalp. The rough treatment caused him to fall backwards onto the dirty ground harshly.
The boy yelled in pain as his face hit the ground, bare skin scraped against jagged rocks and tough soil.

As he looked up he felt his heart sink deep in his chest as he met eyes with his father who loomed over his frail figure.
He couldn't believe what he was seeing, when he left he had made sure to leave as quietly as possible and when his father was deep asleep. He was also several miles away from the estate so just how did Shinjuro find him so quickly?

Shinjuro was yelling inaudible words at Senjuro who couldn't hear a thing over the way his heart pounded loudly in his ears.
Tears welled up in the boy's eyes as he let out small whimpers and hiccups, shrinking away from his father's disgusted gaze.

"You wanna know what happens when boys like you try to pull shit like this? Well let me show you, you fuckin' bitch." Shinjuro's voice was husky as he grabbed his son and flipped him over so he laid flat on his back.
Senjuro squeezed his eyes shut as he heard his father rustle with his clothes.

He knew what was about to happen, it always happened like this when Kyojuro wasn't around and he knew that it was going to hurt a lot more and last longer than normal with his father being angry with him.
As his fight or flight began to kick in he started to push and shove at the taller man trying to get away though the older man paid no mind to the petite boy's attempt to fight.

Shinjuro let the yukata he was wearing fall into a pile onto the ground as his left hand grabbed the small of his son's wrist and pinned them to the ground above his head.
Senjuro let out a shrill scream in hopes someone, anyone would come and save him but his screams for help were cut short by a fist to the mouth.

"Shut the fuck up. You did this to yourself." Shinjiro's voice boomed as he leaned down, getting closer to Senjuro's face. The heavy smell of alcohol that coated every inch of his mouth made the young boy want to gag as he turned his head away as he whimpered out a small "I'm sorry." and "Please don't." As Shinjuro began to tug at and remove Senjuro's clothes.

Once they were off they were quickly discarded, Shinjuro stared down, his eyes looking over the figure of his naked child.
His free hand glided over the smooth skin as he made his way up his stomach and to his nipples, pink and hardened from the cool night air.

He pinched one of the pink buds in between his fingers relishing in the gasp Senjuro let out as he tried to squirm away from the unwanted touches.
Shinjuro continued to play with the boy's nipple with his fingers as his mouth came down and captured the other perky bud.

Shinjuro nipped at it with his teeth and flicked it with his tongue.
All the noise Senjuro made went straight to Shinjuro's dick and when he released the nipple with an audible pop and sat back up he was greeted with a sight to behold.

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