I: Sighting

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3rd Person POV

    Senjuro lay sprawled out under a giant tree, seeking shelter from the blazing sun.

He watched as several kids ran around in a game of tag, other kids off in groups giggling and laughing as they talked amongst each other.

After a short while, Senjuro's attention was turned to the burning sensation in his right foot.
He noticed that it was slowly, but surely burning and turning into ash as the sun made constant contact with it.

He slowly moved his foot back into the shady area and watched as it quickly became whole again.
Boredly looking at the limb as it finished healing before he slid it back into the sun.

His foot didn't start disintegrating right away or stayed whole and untouched for several minutes.

Senjuro didn't understand why he was at this place or where exactly he was.
All he remembers is one moment he's being lulled off to sleep in Muzan's arms then the next moment he's waking up on a futon surrounded by snot-nosed screaming kids.

He hadn't spoken to anyone since he woke up, no matter how hard the adults there tried. He assumed Muzan would, at any moment, walk through the front doors and take him back to the infinity castle. But he knew very well Muzan or anyone would be coming for him anytime soon as the sun was shining in all its glory, so he'd have to wait it out until sunset.

Not to say he didn't try to leave. No, he tried to get away several times but he was always stopped by a land that oddly resembles the man he despised the most in this world.

Something about the place that stood out the most to Senjuro was the wisteria crest that was embedded on the gate that surrounded the building, on the adults' aprons as well as the supplies and play toys the children used.

Senjuro was suddenly pulled from his thoughts when one of the older ladies rushed out of the building along with a young woman dressed in a uniform with the skirt a little too short and some of the shirt buttons undone, she also carried a sword on her person.
She also had unusual pink and green hair that was tied into three large braids.

Senjuro rolled over onto his side, his eyes locked onto her. "Oh.…… Is that Kanroji-san?" He wondered, pushing himself up off the ground to sit crisscrossed.
He watched as the two women ushered the children inside.

Senjuro watched as the elderly lady picked up two of the younger children before saying something while gesturing the other women in his direction.

Mitsuri's eyes widened as she made eye contact with him. A smile spread across her face as she ran over to Senjuro, pulling him up off the ground and hugging him.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!!" She yelled happily, laughing aloud and hugging the boy tighter.

Senjuro awkwardly patted the taller on her back before pushing away from her.
"Yes.." He finally broke free from her hug. "I am…." He stared up at her for a brief moment before walking past her towards the building.

He looked down at his hand before balling his fist. "I am alive." He murmured, looking back at Mitsuri from the door.

He stared blankly as Mitsuri stood at the tree, her eyes were wide and glossed over with tears as her mouth was slightly agaped.

That wasn't the boy she knew.

She knew the boy to be kind and gentle.
His eyes always held a tired yet soft look to them, and they always had a tiny soft glow to them.

But that…. That was different… he was different.

He looked so bored and uninterested. His hair was significantly longer and his skin was sickly pale. It had also burned her when she hugged him just like how Rengoku-san said it burned him on that fateful night.

She watched him look back at her from the door before following the other children inside.

Oh what happened to him?...

Her hands shook as she took in a deep breath and made her way inside the facility for she knew she had to finally accept Senjuro was no longer the same restless kid she once knew and loved but instead was a kid who was the world from a different, more evil point of view.

She could just sense it.
She could feel a strong wave of demonic power surging inside Senjuro.

Once inside Mitsuri made sure all the children were accounted for before closing the doors.

She wondered how the other hashira would react to this information….

More specifically, she wondered how Kyojuro would react.

Author's Note
A lil Mitsuri nd Senjuro interaction for the soul.
I really like this chapter as it's quite smooth and not too angsty lol.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading it! If you did please feel free to comment and vote!

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