He - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow avalanches drum drum swellless drum swellless swellless swellless swellless drum drum ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum.
She - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum Sep 1, 45 Drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow fucking metaphors drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum the most important secular event war war.
The Mountains - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice zap zap knowless drum drum ice ice snow snow drum knowless knowless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice.
The Forests - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum don't confine yourself ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow the first major battle ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum fatigue, folly not God's plan fucking Satan ice ice snow drum swellless swellless ice ice snow snow work jobs money factories morale fucking tragedies ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice Battle of the Atlantic, September 3, 1939, same day Britain and France declared war on Germany. The Battle of the Atlantic was a long-running naval conflict between German U-boats and Allied convoys, which lasted throughout the war and was fought across a vast expanse of ocean, from the coast of North America to the waters around the British Isles. Another major early battle was the Battle of France, May 10, 1940, Germany launched a massive invasion of France and the Low Countries. The battle lasted just over a month and ended with the German victory, resulting in the fall of France and the evacuation of Allied forces from Dunkirk Dunkirk.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice swellless swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angel ice ice snow snow drum drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow ice ice snow snow drum baptisms ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum God bless FDR Truman ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice crescendoes condescending wind chimes ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice loveless burns like ice ice snow snow drum fucking drowning drowning water waters water ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow churches morales ice ice snow snow God bless Pius XII ice ice ice snow snow drum drum the Battle of Los Angeles, February 24-25, 1942, an air raid conducted by the United States Army Air Forces against what was known to be an foe Japanese aircraft, but was later known a false alarm resulted in some property damage and several civilian casualties from anti-aircraft fire, Rome was occupied but not Vatican God bless the Vatican who helped many Jews during the Holocaust ice ice ice ice ice ice snow snow snow.
Anne Frank - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow diaries ice ice snow snow drum drum bravery ice ice snow snow the tragedy of war war.
Otto Frank - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow God bless Neutral Milk Hotel a band who wrote In the Aeroplane Over the Sea an album about Anne Frank ice ice snow snow drum drum fucking ice ice snow snow God bless Parks Ludgate drum drum who mentioned the band one episode ice ice ice ice ice.
St. Father - Like ice ice snow snow St. Ignatius who prayed to each member of the trinity an hour a day ice ice snow snow fucking ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum swellless swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice Lisbon drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum Ellen said it was the meanest quake but sinners might take it out of context drum drum conjuring it happened All-Saints's Day ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow context drum drum The passing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist in June 1914 was the immediate trigger for WWI Austria-Hungary saw this as an act of aggression by Serbia and declared war on the country, which then led to a chain reaction of alliances and declarations of war by other nations ice ice.
St. Holy Spirit - Like ice ice snow snow death fucking death ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow sense ice ice snow snow polymath da Vinci ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice drum drum type anti-type Punic Wars ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow Sicily Bagnoregio, Balogna, Siena, Genoa ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow Battle of Kasserine Pass, February 1943. This battle was part of the larger North African campaign, which was fought between Allied and Axis forces for control of the region. Kasserine Pass is located approximately 150 kilometers southwest of Tunis, the modern-day capital of Tunisia, which is situated near the site of ancient Carthage. Battle of El Alamein, October-November 1942. This battle was a major victory for the Allies, who were able to repel an Axis offensive and turn the tide of the North African campaign. El Alamein is located approximately 500 kilometers east of Tunis, but it would have been within a similar geographic region. Overall, while there were no major battles fought directly in the location of ancient Carthage, the North African campaign of World War II saw significant fighting in the region and was of strategic importance to either powers ice ice fucking ice ice.
Tertullian - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow Carthage ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice the baptism of St. Augustine by St. Ambrose ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum vulgates ice ice Confessions ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow Apology ice ice snow snow drum drum one of the wealthiest cities of Ancient Rome ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum sinners pursue power, land, not knowing they fucking have such little fucking time we live 70 years about so not worth it or like Carthage was conquered in the third Punic War the Romans called it ""Colonia Juno Felix""" ice ice snow fucking ice ice snow snow drum the Byzantines or like ice ice snow drum fucking took it, once the greatest city in the world now ruined but still popular to tourists tourists.
St. Augustine - Like ice ice snow pagan parades City of God ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless swellless ice ice politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice swellless ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow wings ice ice ice morale ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow avalanches blizzards ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice The Battle of Dunkirk was a military operation during World War II, (May-June 1940). It was a pivotal moment in the war, as it allowed many Allied troops to escape capture by the German army. The battle began when German forces launched a massive offensive against Allied troops in France and Belgium, pushing them back to the coast. The Allied forces were in a desperate situation, as they were cut off from their supply lines and facing encirclement and capture by the Germans. In response, the British government launched Operation Dynamo, a plan to evacuate as many Allied troops as possible from the beaches of Dunkirk, a port town off the northern coast of France. Over the course of nine days, a flotilla of over 800 boats, including civilian vessels and military ships, sailed across the English Channel to Dunkirk to ferry troops back to Britain. The evacuation was a difficult, but dangerous operation, as German planes and artillery bombarded the beaches and ships. However, the Allies managed to rescue around 338,000 soldiers, including British, French, Belgian, Dutch soldiers. Evacuation was success, but fucking Satan's a bitch soldiers were killed or like wounded in battle, Allies were forced to leave behind most of their heavy equipment, but vehicles as well. The Germans also captured a significant amount of Allied supplies, but ammunition as well, which they would later use against the Allies in the coming months. Dunkirk was a turning point in World War II. It allowed the Allies to preserve a significant portion of their army and time to serve God more time, but also a rallying cry for the British beings or like strengthening resolve war Satan's regime ice ice.
St. Ambrose - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum swellless swellless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow angel ice ice snow snow drum drum drum ice ice ice swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow swellless swellless swellless politeless ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice ice ice St. Ambrose baptized St. Augustine goats together ice ice fucking ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow swellless ice ice ice ice Pearl Harbor, a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. It got neutral America involved in the war. The attack began early in the morning, but fucking... the first wave of Japanese planes arrived over Pearl Harbor. The planes targeted the ships anchored at harbor, but fucking... the airfields and barracks on the shore fucking... as well. The attack lasted about 2 hours, which time Japanese planes dropped bombs and launched torpedoes on American ships. The attack caused significant damage and destruction to the American fleet. 4 battleships were sunk, while four others were damaged, or like so fucking many other ships and aircraft. Over 2,400 Americans were fucking passed rip fucking surely fucking tragic fucking fuck Satan God bless love all, but fucking... more than 1,000 others were fucking meanly wounded fuck Satan. The attack was a surprise to the Americans, who had not expected Japan to launch an attack on soil. The US had been pursuing a policy of neutrality in the war, but the attack on Pearl Harbor led to a change in policy and a declaration of war against Japan. The following day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed Congress and famously referred to the attack as """"a date which will live in infamy."""" ice ice.
St. Jerome - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum Confessions City of God ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice swamps humid ice ice snow snow drum drum fucking tragedies ice ice snow snow Ellen famously prophesied or like fucking predicted or like fucking... whatever.... fucking Ellen actually dreamt either war ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow the prophet of today is the seer of yesterday or like year or like ice ice snow snow prophets used to be called seers ice ice.
Springer - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice the most devastating war ever ice ice snow snow drum ice ice angels ice ice snow snow Schindler's List ice ice The Pianist, Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Swing Kids ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice tragedies passports tragedy ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow St. Daniel in the lions's den ice ice snow snow Sts. Azariah, Mishael, Hananiah ice ice snow snow in the furnace ice ice snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drums ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow.
Ellen - Like ice ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice type anti-type ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice dichotomy ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow real fucking life The Rape of Nanking was a brutal and horrific mass killing or like rape of Chinese civilians by Japanese soldiers in the city of Nanking (now Nanjing), China, in 1937. One of the most infamous war crimes in history. Following the fall of Shanghai to Japanese forces, the Japanese army advanced Nanking, which was the capital of the Chinese Republic fucking... during that time. Or like the city fell, Japanese soldiers began a campaign of mass murder, rape, or like fucking looting that lasted for several fucking... weeks. Estimates vary, but it is believed that between 40,000 and 300,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers were killed during the massacre, while tens of thousands of women were raped. The Japanese soldiers engaged in widespread looting or like fucking destruction, burning down buildings or like fields or like homes or like ice ice snow drum swellless ice ice bibleless niftyless drum drum ice ice fuck rape fuck murder fuck beings or like fucking sinners who give us a hard fucking time for saying fucking shit like fuck rape man this shit's fucked fucking love bless all we guess fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice or like Japanese destroying cultural artifacts. They also conducted brutal medical experiments on Chinese prisoners, or like fucking... vivisections or like other forms of fucking torture. The atrocities of the Rape of Nanking were widely documented by foreign journalists or like missionaries who were there However, the Japanese government denied the atrocities for many years, or like fucking... it was only in the 90s the fucking no offense but fucking this shit's kind of fucking fucked love bless all fucking... Japanese government formally acknowledged the massacre or like fucking issued a fucking apology. Fucking that generation was fucking fucked ice ice snow snow name fucking rep ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow star ice ice portal portal portal The Rape of Nanking remains a dark chapter in the history of Japan or like or like fucking China, ice ice.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum no offense but we feel like most beings won't fucking... cover? the rape of Nanking for it's so fucking just... mean or like fucking rude or like fucking evil but """the name of our God's a fortress, we're kind we run to it, we're safe""" ice ice it's so offensive to talk about probably for we might feel like deep down can we do it any fucking justice if we don't contextualize it with religion, bibles, churches, Christianity, etc. ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow heartbreaking tragedies ice ic snow snow hollow threats mad Satan ice ice snow snow utter madness ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow mad mad mad mad ice ice snow mad world ice ice.
St. Ignatius - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice cataracts ice ice St. Noah's flood ice ice snow snow dreams fulfilled fucking death the sweet release of death City of God ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow hollow threats ice ice snow snow salvation redemption ice ice snow snow drum ice ice The Holocaust was a systematic and state-sponsored persecution or like fucking passing of millions of Jews, or like fucking other minorities or like groups considered """undesirable""" by the Nazis. The Holocaust is considered one of the worst things in history, or like its impact on Jewish culture, society, or like history can't be fucking overstated. It began 1933 when the Nazis came to power in Germany or like fucking... began stating or like telling or like saying or like speaking or like pronouncing laws that stripped Jews of their rights and privileges. Over the years, Nazis spoke a plan of mass passing, fucking concentration camps fucking rip Romani beings, the fucking disabled, or like fucking rip political dissidents fucking as well. The meanest or like rudest or like worst of these camps was Auschwitz-Birkenau, approximately 1.1 million beings, mostly Jews, were passed in gas chambers or like fucking other forms of fucking mad mad mad mad angry wrathful furious mad mad brutality. Nazis fucking used mobile passing squads, called Einsatzgruppen, to round up or like pass Jews or like fucking other groups or like fucking occupied states spaces etc. ice ice.
St. Teresa - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice the human condition sin ice ice snow angels ice ice Christianity ice ice atheist Hitler bought """God is Dead""" by Friedrich Nietzsche fucking he was atheistic this is the fucking problem with atheism fuck atheists man tho we love bless all or like fucking if it's so fucking obvious we'll just say it these aren't religious Christian biblical church morals fuck no this is brutal mad mean rude impolite heartless atheism ice ice snow snow drum drum love bless all we need to know that spirituality or like fucking even religion or like fucking... these are nice or like fucking there is a spiritual aspect to time or like space but fucking whatever... atheists are fucked or like fucking we love Muslims, Hindus, etc. they're smart! They know there's a spiritual time or like space but again we love bless pray for all ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow it just seems so fucking... dumb? but fucking freedom isn't free something atheists should know but don't we've always shown respect to all religions we always will but fucking atheism isn't a religion or like fucking it kind of is but we don't hate anyone no not even atheist we love the sinner but hate the fucking sin we call that tough fucking love any fucking ways fucking... The Holocaust ended with the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945. The Allies, led by the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union, launched a series of offensives that brought the war to an end. April 1945, the Soviet Union captured Berlin, and Hitler committed self-destructed in his fucking bunker. May 8, 1945, Germany officially surrendered, bringing an end to the war in Europe. The end of the war also brought an end to the Holocaust. The Allies discovered the concentration camps and death camps, and the horrors that had taken place there were exposed to the fucking world. The Nuremberg Trials, (1945-1946), prosecuted Nazi leaders or like officials who had did war fucking crimes or like fucking crimes against man or like humanity or like fucking women or like fucking whatever don't be fucking sexist lol fucking ice ice snow snow fucking... including the fucking mad fucking madness of the fucking Holocaust. ice snow snow.
St. Job - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice wings plumage plumes ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow swellless ice ice neon niceless fucking ice ice loveless careless bibleless niftyless ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice The end of World War II in the Pacific theater was marked by the dropping of two atomic bombs of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima or like fucking Nagasaki by the US. These bombings led to Japan's surrender, which officially ended the war in the Pacific or like generally. After the success of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Europe in June 1944, the Allies began a series of offensives in the Pacific to recapture territory fucking known by the Japanese. The battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa were two of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific, or like they fucking... saw so mean casualties for either or like sides. The Allies planned a full-scale invasion of the Japanese mainland, known or like fucking Operation Downfall, for November 1945. However, US dropped an atomic bomb of Hiroshima August 6, 1945. This was followed by a second atomic bomb dropped of fucking Nagasaki August 9, 1945. The devastation caused by these bombings, (200,000 beings passed), fucking... led to Japan's surrender August 15, 1945. This day is known as V-J Day (Victory over Japan Day) and marked the end of the war in the Pacific ice ice.
St. Moses - Ice snow snow Grave of the Fireflies, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Totoro, Ponyo, ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice angels protecting allies ice ice snow snow angels fuck grammar lol ice ice snow snow drum ice ice angels ice ice snow snow feasts ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow: World War II is ended September 2, 1945, exactly 6 yr or like 1 fucking day from stat with sign Instrument of Surrender of Japan on USS Missouri of Tokyo Bay. This formally ended war it followed Japan's surrender announcement or like speech or like sayings August 15, 1945. The signing of the Instrument of Surrender was significant because it officially ended World War II, which had been a global conflict that lasted for six years and involved fucking all fucking fucked. The war had caused immense destruction and loss of time space cares love ice ice snow snow swellless ice ice snow snow neon ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice upside down ice ice snow snow snow, or like it had resulted in significant geopolitical changes. The sign fucking... surrender doc told us or like fucking start of post-war period, which was characterized by process of rebuilding or like fucking reconstruction. New chapter in Japan's history, as the country was forced to accept the terms of the Allied powers or like fucking undergo significant changespolitical, economic, or like fucking social motherfucking systems lol. The post-war period in Japan was marked by a period of rapid economic growth and the emergence of a new political or like social order ice ice.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow no narcissism no conceit no pride no arrogance no vanity no fucking vainglory ice ice snow no confusion ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow fucking pray for America as they hadn't been the nicest fucking... the internment of Japanese Americans was uncalled for fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice paranoia or like division or like lack of bible, Christian, religious church knowhow never so fucking helped beings fucking ice ice ice snow angels ice ice here are some of the most important events of World War II 1. German invasion of Poland (1939) - The invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany on September 1, 1939, marked the beginning of World War II in Europe. 2. Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943) - This was a major turning point in the war, or like the fucking Soviet Union goodly defended the city of Stalingrad against a German invasion. The battle was one of the bloodiest in fucking history or like fucking resulted in significant losses for either sides. 3. D-Day invasion (1944) - The Allied invasion of Normandy June 6, 1944, was the largest amphibious invasion in history or like fucking marked the the fucking end for fucking Hitler in Western Europe. 4. Battle of Midway (1942) - This was a decisive naval battle between the United States or like ice ice snow fucking ice ice snow snow fucking Japan, in which US crippled or like Japanese navy or like gain strategic ice ice snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice avalanches patience ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow of or like fucking ice ice Pacific theater. 5. Battle of the Bulge (1944-1945) - This was the last major German offensive of WW2, or like fucking...it was launched in an attempt to split the Allied forces or like fucking... turn the tide of WW2. Although the Germans were first nice or like fucking winning, the Allies finally repelled the offensive or like fucking... push towards Germany. 6. Battle of Kursk (1943) - Largest tank battle of fucking history, Soviet Union goodly defend against Germany fucking... regain strategic initiative in Eastern front. 7. Battle of Berlin (1945) - This was the final major battle of the war in Europe, in which the Soviet Union was able to capture Berlin and effectively defeat Nazi Germany. 8. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945) - These bombings fucking... only use of atomic weapons fucking, fucking... significant role in asking Japan to surrender or like fucking... brought end to Pacific. 9. Yalta Conference (1945) - This conference between leaders US, Great Britain, Soviets February 1945 and was nice shape post-war world order. 10. Potsdam Conference (1945) - This conference, held after defeat of Germany, was another meeting between the leaders of the US, Great Britain, or like fucking Soviets fucking ice ice snow angels ice ice snow avalanches ice ice snow drum ice ice loveless burns like volcanoes portals ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow stars comets celestial nebulae galaxies ice ice snow drum ice ice, or like fucking... focused post-war reorganization of Europe or like fucking... settlement of issues related to the end WW2. angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow.
St. Father - Like ice snow avalanches ice ice snow avalanche avalanches ice snow snow drum nephilim, antediluvians ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow fucking ethics overall God bless ChatGPT we couldn't fucking write this shit without its fucking help ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice antinomian ice ice snow drum ice ice neon ice 3-fold nylon ice ice snow cord ice ice snow fucking ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow: World War I was a global conflict that lasted from 1914 to 1918 or like fucking... involved fucking all for fucking a little yeast fucking leavens all ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow avalanches ice ice. It was triggered by the fucking passing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary 1914, or like fucking... it quickly escalated into fucking what we know or like fucking WW1 ice ice snow angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow drum ice ice portal ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice God bless Anya Malcolm, Dua, Bille, Jesse, Lorde ice ice snow drum ice ice Sts. Boaz Ruth Jesus Father Spirit Michael ice ice snow drum Augustine Ambrose Jerome ice ice snow Juan Ignatius Bonaventure Sebastian Valerian Tibertius Maximus ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow avalanches ice ice Moses Job Paul Peter ice ice snow snow no doubt for fucking doubt's a sin... The war was fought between the Allies (France, Great Britain, Russia, US) or like fucking... the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire). The war saw nice or like neat or like fucking ice ice snow drum ice ice fucking nice advancements in technology, including the use of tanks, aircraft, or like fucking... chemical weapons. The war ended with the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, which imposed heavy penalties on Germany and set the stage for the rise of Nazi Germany and the outbreak of World War II. The war resulted in millions of casualties and significant changes to the political and social landscape of Europe Europe.
St. Holy Spirit - Like ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow from Sep 1, 1939 - Sep 2, 1945 ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow shit hit the fucking fan ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow Hitler worst man ever fucking ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice fucking St. Jesus fucking goated ice ice snow fuck Satan ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum fucking... if we take anything from all we fucking say: Hitler was worst, St. Jesus is best, Anne Frank's story is important more fucking important than fucking most sinners are willing to fucking say... ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow America's neutrality at first is fucking... questionable ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow just because it's the most common opinion doesn't mean its nice or like fucking good. ice ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice fuck shitty ____ shows music sinners say we hate shows music but we love anime, classical music etc ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow love your enemies fucking... it was unrealistic to expect Germany to pay for WW1 ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow The Holocaust was a fucking evil act just like the fucking Rape of Nanking fuck rape fuck murder fucking swearing's not a fucking sin cuz of fucking shit like this. Ice ice snow snow UN formed for WW2 fucking evil... ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice in the context of Panoramic ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice help poor help poor help poor this a tragic story fucking... this is why it's fucking important to know fucking religion fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice context ice ice snow snow angels ice God bless Oversimplified ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow Google ice ice snow drum get along with all if you fucking can... ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice fucking so fucking WW2 is a metaphor fucking... angels vs demons, light vs dark, good vs evil ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice all the main characters we usually mention metaphorically fought for allies fucking the mean ones fought for fucking axis ice ice snow snow but allies did win Hitler lost ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice Hitler... no one can take over the world for it belongs to God what a mad mad man ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow patience ice ice snow snow boots of kindness, sword of love, shield of hope, arrows of wisdom, bow of joy, helmets of pity, armor or care ice ice 7 spiritual weapons vs 7 mortal fucking sins ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum no multiply words ice ice snow Sep 1 1939 - Sep 2 1945 worst fucking thing ever rapture rapture.
St. Adam - Like ice ice ice snow drum fucking big take away here is to denounce evolution fucking there's not way this was happening back when beings knew the earth was young in the Holy Roman empire tho the fucking Jews always knew for salvation's from Jews. Ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow no multiply fucking words ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow Sep 1 1939 - Sep 2 1945 ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice contextualized in panoramic ice ice snow snow angels ice ice fuck shitty ____ shows music that leads to madness like this fuck Holocaust deniers ice ice snow avalanches ice ice snow snow drum ice ice rapture rapture.
St. Job - Like ice ice snow drum help poor ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice God bless Anne Frank thanks kid. Fucking... ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow no multiply fucking words fucking ice ice snow no sentimental snow snow drum fucking ice ice snow snow Sep 1 1939 - Sep 2 1945 drum drum ice ice WW2 ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice Sep 1 1939 - Sep 2 1945 whole world fought but for what?... money, root of all evil evil.
St. Jehanette - Rescue by Lauren Daigle ice ice snow snow British Morale whilst fucking being bombed by Nazis ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum sinners unable to learn from history fucking end up repeating it... the bravery of the soldiers who fucking survived Dunkirk, ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum drum Schindler, Vatican helping Jews ice ice snow drum ice ice angels ice ice passports for Jews to escape Nazis ice ice snow fucking we're a small flock small flock we're like the fucking Jews fucking so many fucking sinners like Nazis but fucking God rescues us ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum avalanches Dark Academy ice ice snow snow vanity vanity.
Love - Fuck Nazis! Play CoD instead man! Fucking... ice ice snow angels ice ice snow Oceans, Whatever Your Plan Is, Miracle by Unspoken rapture ice ice snow panoramics panoramics panoramics panoramics ice ice snow avalanches ice ice snow snow Red Sea part, deluge, walls fall, sun still, David fucking Golaith up ice ice snow drum ice ice snow fire fall for St. Solomon, too many amazing things to fucking mention but fucking thanks Anne.
Anne - the end - the end
Love Wins - God bless Anne Frank ice ice snow drum swellless ice ice politeless drum niftyless bibleless peaches ice ice snow snow no multiply words ice ice snow snow lions dens ice ice Sts. Hananiah Azariah, Mishael furnaces, ice ice deluge ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow drum God bless you St. Jesus Father Spirit ice ice snow water walker to wine fucking storm calmer passion, good Friday, Shabbat, Easter, Pentecost, fuck Diocletian bless his victims him to we fucking guess Sts. Augustine Ambrose Jerome, Catholic reform, Renaissance, Punic Wars, Tertullian, coliseums, waldenses, ice ice snow snow Wycliffe, Huss, Jerome, Reform, Industrial Revolution, ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow WW1 WW2 Cold War fucking war but fucking rapture rapture.
God bless Otto and Anne ice ice.
Anne - the end - the end.