18. Song of Civil War

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He - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow persimmons ice ice snow angels ice ice snow ice ice drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice angels ice ice drum drum.
She - Like ice ice snow angel ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice smiles ice snow snow drum drum our beloved said our eyebrows and eyelashes are like kiwis ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow.
He - Like ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice swellless politeless drum ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow.
She - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice the American Civil War taught us a lot about mean rude suffering fucking bravery hope kindness and love love.
He - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow.
She - Like ice ice snow angels ice ice snow ChatGPT ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum loveless careless bibleless niftyless drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow the Civil War April 12, 1861 ice ice snow snow it ended April 9, 1865 ice ice snow angels ice fucking ice ice snow snow tragedy heart heart.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum swellless drum politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice snow Vaudois in caves upside down rain falls like fucking snow angels careless loveless innovation ice ice Plato one said """"innovation happens only for necessity or like war fucking ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice upside down snow ice ice snow snow""" ice ice snow angels ice ice.
St. Ignatius - Like ice ice snow drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice loveless portals ice ice snow snow angels ice ice miracles ice ice.snow snow angels ice ice snow swellless politeless drum drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow snow snow avalanches ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow miracles ice ice snow snow Aurora - The Seed, Princess Mononoke ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow ice ice Battle of Olustee, February 20, 1864, in Florida. The battle was a Confederate victory, but it had little impact on the overall outcome of the war. The most important battle of the American Civil War is often considered to be the Battle of Gettysburg, fought July 1 to 3, 1863, in Pennsylvania. This battle was a turning point in the war, as it marked the first major defeat of Confederate General Robert E. Lee or like his fucking Army of Northern Virginia. The Union victory at Gettysburg also gave President Abraham Lincoln the opportunity to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were to be freed freed.
St. Bonaventure - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum swellless ice ice President Ulysses S. Grant was born on April 27, 1822, in Point Pleasant, Ohio. He attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, graduating in 1843. He served in the Mexican-American War and later in the western territories, where he distinguished himself as a capable and successful military commander. When the American Civil War broke out in 1861, Grant was appointed as a colonel and quickly rose through the ranks to become a major general. He won several key battles, including the Siege of Vicksburg, which gave the Union control of the Mississippi River. In 1864, he was appointed as commander of all Union armies and devised a strategy of total war against the Confederacy. He led the Union to several major victories, including the Battle of Shiloh, the Battle of Chattanooga, and the final campaign that ended the war. After the war, Grant was elected as the 18th President of the United States in 1868, running as a Republican. His presidency was marked by several significant achievements, including the ratification of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution, which granted voting rights to African American men. He also pushed for civil service reform and worked to improve relations with Native American tribes. After leaving office in 1877, Grant went on a world tour and then settled in New York City. He became involved in several mean or like rude fucking business ventures and was left financially ruined fucking fucking unfortunately. In 1884, he was diagnosed with mean, rude, impolite throat cancer, and he spent the last year of his life writing his memoirs to provide for his family after his death. He passed away on July 23, 1885, at the age of 63, and is buried in Grant's Tomb in New York City. His memoirs which were fucking... completed just before his death, are fucking... considered to be one of the greatest works of American literature literature.
St. Juan - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow drum dark brown skin ice ice fucking controversies fucking no fucks given ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum swellless loveless ice ice snow drum ice Abe Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in Hodgenville, Kentucky. His family moved to Indiana when he was seven years old. He became a self-taught lawyer and moved to Illinois in 1830. He married Mary Todd in 1842, and they had four children, but only one survived to adulthood. He served in the Illinois state legislature and the US House of Representatives before being elected as President in 1860. As President, he led the country through the Civil War, which began just weeks after he took office. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were to be freed. Lincoln was re-elected in 1864 and worked to heal the country after the war. On April 14, 1865, he was fucking... unwordably fucked up but fucking Abe was fucking assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. and died the following day day.
St. Augustine - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum swellless ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice like Ellen said ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum also """"God is punishing this nation for the high crime of slavery. He has the destiny of the nation in His hands. He will punish the South for the sin of slavery, and the North for so long suffering its overreaching and overbearing influence.""" ice ice.
Springer - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum ice ice snow drum drum swellless politeless drum drum ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum swellless politeless drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice White continues ice ice snow angels ice ice snow avalanches ice ice blizzards bubbles carbon lodestone proton ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow fucking ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow ice ice angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow ice ice snow hollow threats fucking death ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice also """"At the Conference at Roosevelt, New York, August 3, 1861, when the brethren and sisters were assembled on the day set apart for humiliation, fasting, and prayer, the Spirit of the Lord rested upon us, and I was taken off in vision and shown the sin of slavery, which has so long been a curse to this nation. The fugitive slave law was calculated to crush out of man every noble, generous feeling of sympathy that should arise in his heart for the oppressed and suffering slave. It was in direct opposition to the teaching of Christ. God's scourge is now upon the North, because they have so long submitted to the advances of the slave power. The sin of Northern proslavery men is great. They have strengthened the South in their sin by sanctioning the extension of slavery; they have acted a prominent part in bringing the nation into its present distressed condition. I was shown that many do not realize the extent of the evil which has come upon us. They have flattered themselves that the national difficulties would soon be settled and confusion and war end, but all will be convinced that there is more reality in the matter than was anticipated. Many have looked for the North to strike a blow and end the controversy. I was pointed back to ancient Israel, held in bondage by the Egyptians. The Lord wrought by Moses and Aaron to deliver them. Miracles were performed before Pharaoh to convince him that these men were especially sent of God to bid him let Israel go. But Pharaoh's heart was hardened against the messengers of God, and he reasoned away the miracles performed by them. Then the Egyptians were made to feel God's judgments. They were visited with plagues, and while suffering under the effect of them, Pharaoh consented to let Israel go.""""" go.
Bates - Like ice ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angel ice ice drum drum niceless niceless ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum loveless portals careless portals burn like phoenixes upside down lava ice ice snow drum ice ice lava pool fucking ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow hollow threats Bleach hollows ice ice fucking nonsense ice ice ice the sweet release of fucking death backhanded compliments ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum portals burn like ice """"In this state of things, proclamations are issued for national fasts, for prayer that God will bring this war to a speedy and favorable termination. I was then directed to Isaiah 58:5-7: "Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord? Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?""""" flesh.
Andrews - Like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow drum ice ice swellless ice ice niftyless bibless ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum hollow threats madness ice ice fucking ice ice snow no cowardice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow no hypocrisy ice no flattery ice ice snow snow pilgrims strangers sojourners ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angel ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow loveless portals portal like warps ice ice snow upside down ice fucking ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow storms angels ice ice snow snow storms angels ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow controversies ice ice snow snow.
More - Like ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow ice ice snow angels ice ice icicles discernment patience virtues ice ice snow snow angels ice ice like good things vices like bad things hollow threats ice snow snow angels ice ice hollow threats madness ice ice snow ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice fucking sweet release of death ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice portals ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum dark brown skin black white fucking red orange ice ice no fucking hypocrisy ice ice snow angels ice ice snow ice ice drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum """"Just then an angel descended and waved his hand backward. Instantly there was confusion in the ranks. It appeared to the Northern men that their troops were retreating, when it was not so in reality, and a precipitate retreat commenced. This seemed wonderful to me."""" us us.
St. Father - Like ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow tragedy ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow hollow threats ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow ashamed sinners ice ice snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow.
St. John the Baptist - Like ice ice snow snow drum Satan like the boy who cried wolf ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice the funny thing's fucking satan's the wolf ice ice snow snow drum ice ice in sheep's clothing hollow threats fucking sweet release of death no fucking suicide just fucking love ice ice snow snow hollow threats madness ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow fucking stigmas on death for no fucking reason reason.
St. Jonah - Like ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ChatGPT ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow ice ice angels ice ice snow snow snow snow """""The American Civil War, saw the use of a variety of weapons on either sides. Here are some of the most commonly used weapons during the war: 1. Muskets and Rifles: These were the primary weapons used by both Union and Confederate soldiers. Muskets were smoothbore firearms that were inaccurate beyond short distances, while rifles had spiral grooves inside the barrel that made them more accurate at longer ranges. 2. Carbines: These were shorter versions of rifles that were used by cavalry units. 3. Pistols: Pistols were used by officers and cavalry soldiers as sidearms. 4. Artillery: Both sides used artillery in the form of cannons, which were used to bombard enemy positions from a distance. 5. Bayonets: These were attached to the end of muskets and rifles and were used as a last resort when soldiers ran out of ammunition or were engaged in close combat. 6. Sabers: Cavalry soldiers used sabers as their primary weapon in hand-to-hand combat. 7. Knives: Many soldiers carried knives as a backup weapon or for utility purposes. 8. Submarines: The Confederacy built a small number of submarines, such as the H.L. Hunley, which were used to attack Union ships. 9. Gatling Guns: These were early machine guns that were used by both sides in limited numbers. Overall, the weapons used during the Civil War were a mix of old and new technology, with traditional muskets and swords being used alongside more modern rifles and artillery God God.
St. Moses - Like ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice swellless ice ice niftyless bibleless ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angel ice ice.
St. Job - Like ice ice snow snow God bless Penn ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice folly futility frivolity ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum angels ice ice.
Penn - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum ice ice snow politeless swellless ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow ice ice snow snow angels ice snow storms angels ice ice storms storms ice storms storms ice ice snow snow fuck irony fuck sarcasm ice ice ice snow fucking order fucking procedures ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow ice ice ice """"The end of the American Civil War came with the surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee's army to Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House in Virginia. Lee's surrender effectively ended the major military operations of the Civil War, although some small-scale fighting continued for several weeks. After Lee's surrender, other Confederate generals followed suit, and by the end of April, nearly all remaining Confederate forces had surrendered. On May 9, 1865, Confederate President Jefferson Davis was captured in Georgia, marking the end of the Confederate government. With the war over, attention turned to the process of reconstruction and the reunification of the United States. President Abraham Lincoln had already begun planning for the reconstruction of the South before his assassination on April 14, 1865, and his successor, Vice President Andrew Johnson, continued this work. The end of the Civil War brought about significant changes in American society, including the abolition of slavery with the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in December 1865. The war also had a profound impact on the country's political and economic systems, and it took many years for the country to recover from the devastation of the conflict.""" ice ice fucking ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice heaven hell hell.
St. Malachi - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angel ice ice snow snow drum drum a greater niceness, neatness fucking pity, true sympathy, empathy, understanding could've stopped America from fighting itself ice ice.
St. Micah - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow fucking ice ice snow snow """those who can't learn from history just might fucking repeat it ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow""" ice ice snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow some takeaways are: slavery was fucking mean, bible should've been more prioritized like churches, religious Christianity etc fucking ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow we did fucking rebuild tho we fucking knew not to do this dumbass shit again but America was smart enough to avoid this fucking mess mess.
St. Joel - Like ice ice snow snow ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice panoramics ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice angels ice ice snow snow drum drum like Judah or like fucking Israel of old civil war is a problematic, dramatic, mean, rude thing... we don't need it!
St. Sebastian - Like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow America's still fucking marked by fucking war, conflict, blood, strife, mean rude impolite shit we hope America can learn from its indifferent irreligious atheistic tendencies to stop more senseless violence.
The Mountains - Like ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice rapture ice ice memories ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice angels ice ice angels ice ice snow drum swellless swellless ice ice politeless drum swellless niftyless bibleless ice snow snow drum ice ice fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow laughingstocks ice ice snow fucking ice ice snow snow dark brown skin black white fucking love love love love loveless loveless.
The Forests - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow this isn't a fucking history lesson! to sinners! fucking... kind of sure but fucking... more it's a reminder to learn from mistakes of past like American Civil War to not fucking repeat them ice ice snow snow dark brown ice ice fucking color color.
God - Like ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow angels ice ice fucking preventable violence fucking useless bloodshed fucking vain ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum drum ice ice snow angels ice ice snow advice fucking ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum ice ice angels ice ice snow snow drum drum.
St. Father - Like ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice storms angels ice storms angels ice storms angels ice ice storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 America's fucking shame fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow preventable useless bloodshed pointless fucking bloodshed no fucking slavery ice ice.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow storms angels ice ice snow snow April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865 ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow we learn we grow we improve we mature we go to heaven where there isn't civil war but joy peace love cares ice ice snow snow for we learned if we fucking don't we'll fucking be no nicer than those fucking before us! ice ice ice snow snow eternal joy for we've been through fucking eternal fucking mean bullshit the only fucking way out is fucking through eternal joy sleep sleep sleep dream what's it say?
The end - the end.

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