3 years ago

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This is my new story hope you guys like it....Enjoy!

It was another boring, normal day though I know aunt Tris liked it that way. She never could quite understand or get me, the real me. She thought if we didn't talk about or say the 'w' word it could go away. But every now and again there would be a 'whoops' I liked to call it, and we had to move, act as if we never went to that town. Being 15 years old and one of the last Ravenclaw -though my surname is Blackwood seeing that my mother got married- was not easy. Being a Ravenclaw is way better than how it sounds, first of all we were the first of our kind and we are the most powerful second our kind being Witches.

I know what you're thinking and no we don't go sacrificing children, we're white witches us being the kind of witches that do good in our world. Though we can still protect ourselves, if it's needed, and then you get your reactions, that if you feel in danger they react to it. Those are what we call my 'whoops' moments, my aunt usually ignores it trying to see a rationale reason like all humans do. They never find one though.

My parents died when I was only a few months old, they were on a date night and my aunt offered sto look after me that night. The police ruled it off as a car accident, but my grandmother said that there was something going on that we were missing. She waited till I was 12 when she decided to go and investigate, haven't heard from her since. She taught me the basics when I was living with her, when she dropped me off at aunt Tris's house she told her what and who we really were and gave my aunt book of spells. To this day I don't know where those are.

Here is where you say how is it that your life is boring and normal, being a witch? The answer is clear my aunt being my dad's sister is actually normal and boring, life to her is all normal things and problems. When she got me with my witch problems her life turned into a catastrophe-her words- though she did love me like any normal aunt should, she just didn't like the fact that I come from a long line of witches. Okay like is understatement she hated that I come from a long line of witches!

I was told with my flame like red hair, pale skin and green eyes ran in the blood. Being a white witch has its benefits, for instants we are naturally beautiful unlike a black witch that has to use a spell to look human enough to fit in, then the fact that you could choose to become one. Though everyone does, it's not just spells we do that makes us who we are its charms, cures, potions, etc. Aunt Tris remembers only the black witches, Gran Elde had to explain it over and over again, I still remember when she called my aunt a mundane- she didn't know what it meant but took it as an insult- since then they didn't have the time of day for each other.

Today was another new school, one of many might I add. Aunt Tris was doing the 'What not to do' list with me again. Clarifying that I should control my temper- or at least try not to set someone on fire- she also noticed the whole if in danger thing stand back thing with me. Out of personal reasons of course, when she was talking to me in a stern voice wielding a knife, well you could imagine how that was seen as a threat. She was still drowning on about everything "Seriously aunt Tris, stop worrying I think I can handle it this time" I said giving her a reassuring smile that made her twitch "Esmeralda, sweetie you know I just worry 'bout you s'all. I try and make things normal for you like I know your folks would have done, though I think they would've done a better job. Seeing... ugh there I go again. I am sorry hon, ya got your lunch and all, right?" like I said my aunt Tris was another person "C'yeah! Now go and get that interview done and dusted, fingers crossed" she gave me a peck on the cheek and dropped me at the front office.

Forks High school, we chose a small town- very small- named Forks, aunt Tris almost had a fit when she found out it was here where they shot Twilight, and me on the other hand loved the idea. Though I wouldn't put my money on seeing any vampires here. I made my way into the office and was greeted by a friendly smile of an old lady in her mid-fifties "Hello dear, how may I help you?" she asked with the same friendly smile on her face "Morning mam, uh my aunt called in earlier I am Esmeralda Blackwood, new student" I just clarified the whole new thing for her. She shuffled some papers than handed me one "Sorry hon should've known, this is your schedule, I could let someone show you around if you'd like?" she was still giving me that smile I shook my head "It's fine thank you." I said and turned but she stopped me "I almost forgot, let all your teachers sign this slip and in the end of the day you can come give it in" I got the slip and then left the office and was greeted by the cold wind.

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