Chapter 1

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It was a long day, moving to Portland Oregon was harder than it sounded. Aunt Tris wanted to make sure they had a wide choice of job offerings, and a decent school for me. Last year of school for me and I was looking forward for it to end, though I knew this year was going to be the big one. Not only would I graduate from human school, but I would be graduating from being a novice of some sort. This was the year I had to choose whether I wanted to become my true powerful self or- though who would pick this? - be a normal human. But what Tris didn’t understand was that I was the strongest of the bloodline all the power that had been in the line has been passed down to me. If I chose to stay human that power would stay in me, though I would never be able to use it, it would be passed down to the first baby Ravenclaw. So far I’m not planning on getting pregnant.

Tris was always reminding me how it would be better being a normal human, I on the other hand always gushed over how cool it would be to do anything without becoming weak, or be disappointed by no result when using a spell. I think aunt Tris just worries about me, after we fled Forks when I was fifteen we found my grandmother Elde. Though the word found was the wrong word for it, more like discovered her. I should have known that she had passed away when I felt the surge of energy, but I didn’t think my grandmother would ever die. We fled to our roots in West End hoping to find her, when we did everything pretty much went to hell. For a woman of eighty years she looked more of a woman in her late thirties- curtesy of spells of course- it was like her youth was sucked out of her, leaving a withered old woman behind. Who or whatever did this had not only stolen her youth but also her power, the smell of decay made it clear that it was a darky. Though that Darky probably felt the power leave them and put the pieces together, knowing that there was yet another Ravenclaw who lived. Since then we were always on the run looking over our shoulders fearing that we might be next.

I thought Tris was overprotective before, but after the whole sucked lifeless scene she became worse, I was like a prisoner and she my warden. I appreciated it but I was the one who could protect us from all our known and unknown enemies, she never quite understood that.

Portland Oregon was a rather big and small place, just the way we liked it. Tris thought after my eighteenth birthday that maybe we could stay here longer, she still believed the whole me in choosing being normal thing. 

We were buying some new school supplies and other necessities, we had to grab and run the last time so we only had the important things. We were going to shop till we dropped, Tris’s words, having a guardian close to your age did have its ups and downs. She loved buying me clothes saying that I had to wear the latest thing to fit in, her way of making a positive out of a negative thing.

When we were done with the shopping spree we hauled everything into the car and made our way to a Mc Donald’s, both craving a Big Mac right about now. We chose to be a bit different today and eat there and not take it home. We lived in a small apartment, though I could see Tris not finding the small place homey, I could relate to that, but every time we moved into a house it was a nightmare to just up and leave, it was different with an apartment. Though small it felt safe, and it had nothing to do with my spell, no it was the first time we felt like we weren’t being followed. I just hope it would stay that way.

“So, I was thinking seeing that this is your last year of school and all,” she wagged her eyebrow at me “Yeah?” I questioned, that got me a grin “I want you to enjoy it for once, school I mean, there is prom, and I am so gonna make it worth remembering” she threw her hands to the heavens and gave a squeal “And…?” I gave a shrug she scowled at me “Essie you’re not seeing the big picture here, my prom was kind of an epic fail yours will be… I am too afraid to say magical, so let’s go with awesome!” another squeal. I ate my fries looking at her with a bored expression on my face she on the other hand gave me the puppy dog eyes “Pleassssse…..” she said deepening the eyes and pouting. I gave a sigh “Fine!” I said getting up to throw my now finished lunch away “But nothing over the top” I gave a thought “And… if you stop the whole try and be normal thing. Cause you and me both know that I can’t stop who I am” she tapped her chin with a thoughtful look. After what felt like minutes had passed she extended her hand towards me “Deal.”

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