Chapter 2

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Ellie sat outside of the school yard and only when she noticed me did she get up and wave “Good morning Esa, oh hope you don’t mind me calling you Esa?” she said scratching her neck and giving a shy smile. I shook my head “Nah it actually works, uh- I hope you weren’t waiting for me?” I asked feeling guilty for making her wait, she shrugged “I usually do it till the new kids get friends” she’s going to wait out here till I graduate then. Almost like reading my mind Ellie gave me a smile “You’re not like the other kids that like mingling, are you?” I shook my head. She turned and started walking “Well good thing my group is welcoming, you seem like a girl we might like” she said giving a giggle.

Ellie had taken me to the cafeteria and to a table in the back that had five people sitting there, three of which was girls and two boys. We came to stand in front of the table when Ellie introduced us “Yoh, guys this is the new girl Esmeralda you can call her Essie or Esa. Esa this is Isla, Jenny, Emily, Dani and Luke a whole gang of weirdo’s.” I gave a wave.

The girls all looked normal Isla had tanned skin, black hair and brown eyes her body said that she was into sports, Jenny was petite with pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes that was hidden by big glasses, she was the nerd clearly. And then there was Emily that had brown hair but at the tip blond it fitted her, her eyes were blue but you could see she wore contacts, by the looks of her makeup and clothes she was the diva or fashionista. Dani was the jock his body build was clear on that and the jacket he was rocking had the symbol of John Adams and team captain on it, he had brown short hair and green eyes, where Luke was the total opposite though he had a devil may care smile that showed his blue eyes off and he had raven black hair, he wasn’t in any category, maybe a bad boy.

School was and always would be boring I was sitting through a painfully long period of English when I heard my phone chime, no one really heard it. I checked my messages and saw I had gotten one from Tris:

‘Meet me at the bookstore when you can, we got some celebrating to do!’

After the text came the address and I couldn’t help but smile at that, finally my aunt could do what she wanted and not worry about anything. I was counting the minute down, so excited to leave and meet up with Tris and her new bookstore.

When the time came I almost ran to the store, but kept in mind that it would look kinda stupid, I waved Ellie good bye. I made a turn and bumped into someone dropping my bag to the floor. When I ducked to pick it up I didn’t see the person kneeling to pick it up too and we bumped ours heads “Ow! I am so sorry are you okay?” I asked and almost lost my balance. There in all his glory stood the hunter the scar on his chin was still there, he looked at me and smiled “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to walk into you” I couldn’t help but smile back “It’s uh- no it’s fine I wasn’t looking where I was going either, sorry” he gave a soft laugh “Seems like we’re both to blame then” he extended his hand “Hey the name’s Demarcus Luca, but all my friends call me Luca or Marcus.” I gaped at him. He didn’t recognize me!

When I saw him looking at me I snapped out of it “uh- Hey I am Esmeralda, but Essie is just fine.” He nodded “Nice to meet ya, I don’t believe I have seen you around. I am sure I would remember if I did” he gave me another smile that made me blush, no he didn’t remember me “Yeah I am new in town, my aunt just bought a bookstore, well soon to be a bookstore down the street” I told him honestly it was his turn to gape at me “That was your aunt?” this was not good “Yeah?” he shook his head “She just bought my pops store, could see that she was excited ‘bout it” yeah so not good “Uh- yeah she always wanted one” I shrugged. He stood there for a while then cleared his throat “Well, I’ll be seeing you around then, your aunt asked for some help with putting up the shelves and all” he gave a wink and said his good byes and gave me my bag. I stood there for a while it hit me “Omigod! This is so not happening!” I turned for the store and ran, to hell with looking weird!

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