Chapter 6

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As we walked by the other cells I noticed that I was the only prisoner held here, I had expected a medieval feel but only got modern technology instead. The place was huge from what I could see, halls lead to more halls with doors, though I also noticed how there were some old touches here and there. The walls were from stone and the floors were a smooth stone that was almost cold to the touch, and the paintings that hung on the walls were what looked like legends and folklore of both hunters and the supernatural they hunted. I gave a shiver. Luca saw this, "Are you cold?" he asked. "You should stop doing that," was all I said but glanced at him "your father might use that against you." He said nothing and just stared in front of him, I chewed the inside of my cheek regretting my words.

My regret was short lived as he stopped in front of two large wooden doors, I saw that there was an illustration carved on it, but couldn't see what as he swung them open with a big squeak. The room was one you only saw in movies, like a throne room meant for royalty. The big glass table in the middle of the room sat all of ten people of which were only three woman and seven men. When we strode into the room ten pair of eyes were glued to me, silently encouraging me to step out of line, though I only recognize one of them I knew that these were descendants, all of them. Luca lead me to the end of the large table where a chair stood far from it, yet at the same time close enough. I sat with my chin in the air and met every disgusted stare in the room, leaving Luca's father for last and resting my eyes on him. He stood up and cleared his throat, "On behalf of all of my fellow hunters-" I cut him off. "Whitchers" I corrected him and was rewarded with sharp intakes and muttered words. I saw Luca looking at me, willing me to shut my mouth, which I was not going to do. "What was that witch?" I heard one of the council men ask, he had greying hair and a beard to match his grey eyes were fixed on me, hatred and anger evident in them. I looked from him to Luca's father "I said Witchers, as that was what you were called when you were first created. I would know seeing that we were the ones who gave you the power and mark you were and use so proudly. I see that you have forgotten that." The room was silent but I saw the smile Luca was trying to hide, and gave a pat on my back. Though when my words finally seemed to have sunk in the silence turned into one big shout out course, after a while Luca's father made them quiet but one women spoke out "Kastor, are you gonna let a witch talk to you like that?" she spoke in a venomous voice. The woman sat to Kastor's left short yet had a tough look to her, when she turned to me I was shocked to see her fair skin on her face had a scar, it ran from her temple to the corner of her lip. I would have said that she was scowling at me, but the scar was probably to blame for it too.

Kastor gave the woman one look and she slumped in her seat, pouting. He turned to me once more, "We have not forgotten witch. Though we have not brought you here for a history rehash, we need to know why my son has begged for you to live?" when he mentioned Luca he stared at his son with a look of confusion. I was at a loss for words, I had not known this, and if I had I would have stopped Luca from doing so. I stared at Luca who was staring at the floor when I spoke, "I was not aware of this, sir. I was under the impression that I was on trial here, for the death of..." I trailed off unwilling to say it aloud. "It was said that it was another witch who had killed the human, given that you were with my son when it happened," Kastor said as if reciting a speech. "That is true yes, still I thought I was fighting for my life. Not putting up a case." I saw all of them looking to Luca, the same question in their eyes. Why? Why indeed, was it not him who had all but yelled at me for lying, for my kind being the reason for human's deaths? Looking at him now, standing tall and looking everyone in the eyes, I would not have said he was the same guy. Something had changed, what I would not know.

I took a deep breath before saying, "You say you know the story, the true story of how both of our kinds came to be, correct?" the silence was a conformation so I continued, "The why kill all witches? Surely then you know the truth!" the bow of their heads proved me right, they didn't. I stood taller and thought of the story, the very beginning of my kind. I look to Luca, "You proved that before I even came here, when you asked who the first sisters were. That is how my kind came to exist, with the five sisters, they weren't born like any human. Each one was special in their own way at how they came to be, well there is many who says it was a goddess of the moon, others says it was a woman who begged to have children and ended up creating them on her own. It isn't the who but the how, each sister was made of something mother earth had to offer, the first was of a raven for Ravenclaw, the second of light by the sun for Solis, the third of a berry for Baca, the fourth of a thorn of a rose for Surrexit, the fifth of stone Exitium. Because of being the first to be 'born' Ravenclaw was the strongest and the last to be born would be the weakest even if created from stone. The first sisters was created for one purpose only, and that was to help and protect humanity. Hard to believe for you, but it is the truth, they lived for centuries protecting those in need and helping those who deserved it."

I stopped knowing what came next, and couldn't help looking at Luca, "Living on earth for many years it was inedible that the sisters find love, they would not live forever so just like humans, the sisters had to settle down and procreate. The first of the sisters to fall in love was Solis as she was the kindest and more lovable of the five. She was also the first to have a baby, the first to have her powers given to her baby girl. After a while the sisters travelled city to city each finding their soul mates, the two sisters who still searched for their happy ending was Ravenclaw and Exitium. Of the two the vowed to stay together never to leave on another like the other sisters did, and stayed did they till one city came. They fell in love in the same city, and unfortunately only one got the guy. The vow was broken as Ravenclaw chose the man over her sister, with her heart broken Exitium left." I fell silent not wanting to continue, I always hated what came next. The hate, anger and the depression was so strong that even listening or telling the story you felt every emotion. Taking another deep breath I looked up, "That is where the sisters all broke apart all loved and with those they loved, all but one. Through the years Exitium felt her power drain with her age and time running out. They always said if you caught a deer in the headlights the do drastic and dangerous things to get away. Keep that in mind when I tell you what Exitium did next. Yes they were created to only do good, but there was ways to do bad too. White magic was strong but when Exitium discovered dark magic she felt stronger. We still don't know how to convert to dark magic, nor are we interested in finding out. But Exitium had turned to the dark side of magic, and with that power came all her hate and anger. Hate of no mortal ever truly loving her and anger at her sisters for leaving her to fend for herself. She turned to only those who she could control with her new power, those who were just as hateful like herself. Mortal who could not or did not have a pure soul. With those under her spell she order them to find her sisters, their loved ones and kill them. The death of their sister Solis alerted the others as the felt the lose deep inside them. Ravenclaw the oldest and most powerful of the others chose also mortals to help, those whose hearts were pure and true, that is when you were created. You were created to not only save my kind but yours as well."

The silence was deafening but no one dare speak, they were listening and that was a good sign. "The war between good and evil started and the fight between five sisters began. Exitium was furious to know that her other three sisters fought together, it was what she had wanted that support from them yet never received it. As the sisters came face to face with Exitium they saw the change, as they all had red hair and green or blue eyes, she had raven black hair and red as fire eyes. The eyes of an avenging witch stared down at them a broken sister lost, declaring how she would be the one to kill them herself." I stared up at the sword mounted at the top of the wall just behind Kastor, "That sword of which you see as a trophy was the sword who killed Exitium," I turned to Luca, "wielded by your ancestor. We were once allies, fought against evil and prevailed!" I stared at all the faces staring at me. They had to know that we were not enemies but allies fighting against the same threat. I threw my hands up in frustration, "Stop killing those who can help, if you do not see it in my way see it like this; you are killing your own people. If you kill all the white witches you are helping the darkies at what they're doing, making you an easier target. If not for my kind think of yours, are you willing to cause their death?" with muttered answers I nodded, "Then I suggest this trail to be over, and our alliance start now."


To my surprise the council actually stood with me, but I could see that they too were weary of what they agreed to. They accepted that we all need to unite against the darkies, also agreeing to help find the true culprit who killed my aunt. We all said to meet in an 'eating hall' in an hour to inform all witchers in the sanctuary of our alliance and new plan. One of the women on the council had to accompany me to get dressed appropriately, said woman made me walk in front of her not fully trusting me yet. As we walked down the hall my vision started to blur, when I felt the floor disappearing soon replaced under my head all went dark.

The scene that I had only seen once showed itself, were my parents died. I instantly searched for the figure lurking in the shadows, but there was no one insight. Then there was a cold laugh echoing through the night, "This is priceless, a Ravenclaw seeking aid from mortals? I must say you do remind me of the first Ravenclaw." I felt the cold touch on my cheek but saw nothing, "What do you want?" I yelled. I was rewarded with another laugh, "Feisty yet idiotic, not a good combination. You know what I seek girl! The question is: are you willing to have others' lives be sacrificed for it? If you stay with the 'witchers' make sure of my word, they will die! Show me the true Ravenclaw blood that pulses through your veins and fight me alone!" and with that I was once more plunged into darkness

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