Chapter 3

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Turns out Tris was still mad at me, she never came back, which left me with dangerously cute Luca. Somehow there was one part of me screaming for help while the other part tried to shut the screaming me up, weird? Tell me about it. To my relieve and again protests he kept his shirt on, though he never quiet stopped talking. He kept on asking me questions about what I liked, hated and what were my hobbies though I dodged that one. He was actually sweet and kind, if you looked past the cool tattoo, you might find a kind, cute and handsome guy.

“So- have you eaten anything yet?” he caught me of guard with his question “Uh- now that you mention it, I kinda forgot to eat something at lunch” I shook my head, no wonder I felt so tired. He smiled briefly “Well what ‘bout I buy us dinner then, my treat of course?” damn flab it! Who could deny that smile, the invitation and that voice “Yeah, that would be nice” I blurted out before I could stop myself, smooth. He nodded then packed up his tools “Well let’s get going then my truck’s around the corner.” I mumbled an okay, afraid I would embarrass myself again.

After I locked everything Luca led the way and got into a black pickup truck, I stopped the smile “This your ride?” he puffed out his torso and with a big grin said “Why yes, I believe it is.” I rolled my eyes and got into the car. The ride was filled with silence a part from the radio counting down the top 10 songs of today, when I started to relax something caught my eye. It was his duffle bag from the other night, there peeking out of the bag was a stake, made of blue crystal the one weapon that could kill any witch dark or white. I tried to not draw attention to myself but he probably saw my body tense “What? Something wrong?” he looked in the rear view mirror and then his jaw tensed. It took a while before he said anything “It’s a family thing, you could say its hunting of some sort. Don’t look at me like that- I am not a murderer- I only kill creatures that do harm to us humans.”

He shrugged but I caught something that surprised me “You don’t like the business, do you?” he looked at me surprised, almost frightened “Ho- why would you say that?” he gulped. I couldn’t say that it was his aura, so I went with what was a human response “The way you sag your shoulders when you said it, the almost mournful tone and then when you looked at the backpack your jaw tensed” now I was the one who shrugged. It was easy to analyze humans because their auras told you everything, though telling them that would make you look both crazy and weird. He still looked at me then smiled “You’re smart for your age, mature. You’re the first to ever pick up on that, not even my parents know. You know you remind me of this one girl actually. You're also the first person who didn't freak out when I said creatures” He laughed though I saw him peeking at me, then looked back at the road and I was thankful for it, I composed myself before I answered “Oh?”

He smiled before he replied “Yeah, long story short she was not what she made everyone see, she was something else. Though when I cornered her she denied being it, she said she was different I didn’t really give her a chance to explain-“he stopped and sighed “I should have maybe there are others in the world, we were taught differently. But I feel like maybe there are good ones.” This time when he stopped he didn’t continue, I wish he did that I could hear what he has to say but if he didn’t I couldn’t force him. He relaxed after a few minutes and gave a soft laugh that was like velvet to my ears “Sorry for that. I kinda went all weird on you there” I looked at him and saw him scrutinizing me “Nah, it’s good if you see things your way. You know there are a lot of people that goes through the world believing what they were told, those are the people that always feel like there is something missing in their life.” I only noticed that we had stopped when I was done talking, he was looking at me almost amazed “What?” he shook his head. He gave a soft laugh “You sure know how to blow a guy away with all that talk, where were you when I was in high school?” I shook my head and laughed with him “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He gave me a challenging look “Try me?” I shook my head and got out of the truck, no way was I going to tell him my secrets, yet.

The afternoon went by fast with Luca, though I had to dodge a lot of questions that was too close to home. It was nice to have this time with someone that was not Tris, Luca was a very funny guy and he could entertain someone forever. He dropped me off and I crossed my fingers that Tris was home, I really needed to talk to her. To my surprise she was home, cooking and singing, that might change when she sees me. I walked into the kitchen and took a deep breath “We missed you at the shop” the singing stopped “Sorry hon, forgot and wanted to start with dinner.” She continued humming I let out the breath I was holding, “Uh- sorry Luca kinda beat ya to it, he took me out” she turned and had a smile on her face “Like a date? Oh you’re so gonna spill the dets” I laughed and shook my head, she was back. So I told her about everything, from the whole without shirt, till he dropped me off part.

“Well he seems like a good guy Essie, hunter and all, and I mean you did promise me you’d have some fun here.” She stood up and took her plate to the kitchen. When she returned she had a tub of ice-cream “So…” she wagged her eyebrows while handing me a spoon, I shrugged “So what?” she sighed and ate some ice-cream. After a while she looked at me “Do you like him?” she blurted out, I looked at her for a while and felt the warmth spreading up to my cheeks. She gasped “You do! Aw that’s so cute, the whole no go crush” she gushed she probably saw me frowning “You know him being a hunter, and you being what he hunts thing.” That was a very good reason, also a sane one, but why did I feel so disappointed when she pointed it out? I knew it already, though I never really said it aloud like Tris now did “Yeah, the irony.” When I felt her hand on my shoulder I looked at her and was rewarded with a sad smile “You know I don’t believe I ever told you the story ‘bout how your ‘rents met. It’s quite a funny story.”

I sat up and nodded for her to continue “She just moved into town and your father was the one to show her around school. I still remember how he came home babbling about her, how beautiful, smart and funny she was. He made a fool of himself trying to impress her, your mom knew a lot of stuff and actually corrected him about his statements. Though I think you mother felt sorry for him that’s why she went on a date with him, but after that it was like they were inseparable. High school sweethearts, ya know what they say ‘bout them but your ‘rents were different somehow, they married and I never saw them fight well… that’s until your mom dropped the ‘I’m a witch’ bomb on him. I think he was just afraid, but when your old Elde came to visit him she told him all ‘bout what went on, though I didn’t know about the reason for the fighting was, but they were fine after that. Oh and when they got you-“ she smiled and shook her head I saw the tears building up “- you were everything to them and I just wish you could’ve met them.” She took a jagged breath and wiped the tears away “You see that’s why I went crazy on you last night. I don’t want that to be how you remember your 'rents, when they breathed their last breath. It’s like killing a child’s puppy in front of them, it’s cruel and masochistic in so many ways.”

The feeling of dread came over me “Tris… I know you want to protect me and keep me safe, I appreciate it. But I’m almost an adult and I can protect not only myself but you to. That’s what I know my parents would’ve wanted. That dream only gave me more reason to protect you, I only wish that they had a fighting chance against that evil bitch.”  Tris smiled at me and hugged me “Makes two of us Es.” After the whole heart to heart talk we talked about what and how our day was, when we both felt like passing out we made our way to our rooms and called it a night. My dreams were not interrupted by the unwanted guest

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