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This is kind of a filler chapter so its pretty short, enjoy

When i step outside the compound i blast my music again and decide to go to the New café around the corner for a bit.
I get a venti mocha latte and a bagel with cream. I take my order and walk around the city for a bit before deciding i should probably go eat some lunch and then get back to rhe conpound.

I go to a cute little lunchroom and order an italian salade with a glass of fresh orange juice. I take place in a boot in the corner and eat my food with soft music playing in my ears when suddenly the otherside of the table gets occupied. I look up and see Natasha sitting there with a Black Coffee in her hands. I take out one of my earbuds and pause my music "whats up?" "Im sorry..." she says avoiding my eyes "i shouldnt have gotten mad its Just...  me and Steve have had an awful lot of arguments regarding her and you bringing up that she had feelings for him Just triggered me, still i shouldnt have faken that out on you. So for that im really sorry." I rub the back of her hand soothingly "Its okay Tasha... i shouldnt have provoked you like that. Lets Just say we both were wrong okay?" She smiles a little "okay y/n/n" i feel my face tint a little with blush but try to compose myself before she sees.

I ate and we drank our drinks while making conversation and walked back to the compound together laughing and talking the whole way. After a comfortable silence Nat speaks up "Im glad we sorted that out, friends?" I smile at Nat "yeah, friends" "gimme your Phone real quick" i hand to her "Oh you need to fill in your password" i shrug "its 376" "you trust me with that?" "Why wouldnt i?" "No reason Just curious... why that number?" "I was always experiment 376, its easy to remember." I smile sadly she smiles a bit and after a few seconds she gives back my Phone. "So now you have my number" "i thought i already did?" "Oh thats my worknumber i hardly use it, but seeing as were friends now.." she nudges and winks at me "i figured we could have contact like that too" i chuckle "thanks Tasha, thats sweet." She blushes a bit and i smile

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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