Chapter 4: Stormy

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The sun had already risen by the time I awoke. I yawned and checked my Daring Do alarm clock.

It was after ten! I overslept!

I bounded out of bed, my blankets landing on the floor in a heap.

"Zeph!" I yelled, running down the hall, to his room. My hooves skidding on the hardwood floor. "Zeph we're late for work!"

I knocked loudly on his closed door.

No reply.

"Zeph?" I called. "Yoo-hoo!"

Still no reply.

"Zypher Comet if you don't open this door I coming in! And I don't care if you have a Mare with you."

I shoved the door open.

I was expecting him to still be sleeping off his late hours' moon gazing, but all I was met with was an empty bed.

"Zeph, I'm not playing." I said looking around the room, without actually crossing the threshold.

His bed was made, and the rest of the room looked like how he left it yesterday. It was his room but without him.

"I'm getting Mom." I finally said, seeing no signs of him.


I flew to the office since our parents would have been working at this hour.

Even though Zeph and I still live at home, we are expected to act as adults. This means, getting ourselves up on time, getting to work on time, maintaining the job, and to settle our differences like adults.

When I got to the office the work day was in full swing.

Mom and Dad were at the main counter. Dad was attaching shipping labels, while Mom was filling out invoices.

I landed outside and ran to the office building's door.

"Mom! Dad!" I shouted running in. The bell overhead clanged loudly.

"What's wrong Stormy? Why are you yelling?" Mom asked, setting the invoice down.

"Have you seen Zeph?"

"No, we thought he had decided to sleep in this morning."

"He wasn't home. I checked his room. I-I don't think he was even home last night." I said, feeling worry start to claw at my stomach.

"I'll go home and check the roof." Dad said, as he finished attaching the label he had been working on.

When Dad and I got back home, we immediately flew to the rooftop patio.

All we found was Zypher's blanket. It lay on the couch at a weird angle like it had been dropped in a hurry.

"This is not good. Have you checked with his friends?"

"I was just about to. But I think all four of them are at work." I said, racking my brains.

His friends are a group of ponies he'd hung out with since they were little.

Let's see...there's...Apple Bronco, Shining Arrow, Honey Cake, and Sapphire Harmony, I think, Last night wasn't an Oubliettes & Ogres night. Besides, Zeph would have been dying to tell me about the game.

Truth be told, I've played a few campaigns, but it's more of Zeyph's thing than it is mine. Though when he tells me about the game I am interested, and I'm not faking interest.

"Usually I'd say wait a bit he'll probably be home by dinner, but something about this gives me a bad feeling. I'll go ahead and file a missing pony report if I can." Dad said.

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