Chapter 5: Zypher

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I slept comfortably that day... night... I'm really not sure how time is kept on the moon. All I know is it was dark when I went to bed, and it was night when I woke up. Even though the ornate analog clock on my bedside table showed that the hours had actually passed.

I yawned and pushed the bed covers back. I got up and stretched, then went to the adjoining bathroom to take a shower.

Holy Celestia! I thought, seeing the size of the bathroom, my mouth agape. The room still had the dark aesthetic of varying shades of black, purple, a dark shade of blue, and a silvery white for accents.

But the setup, totally made up for it. Gleaming floor-to-ceiling tile, and a tub where you walked into like a swimming pool. I turned and looked at the shower set up. It was a walk-in with a rainfall shower head. Like the kind that's in fancy smanchy hotels.

I got two towels for me. They were folded up in a basket by the tub, along with a couple of other sizes towels, and a bag of toiletries. Including, travel sized bath products.

She really thought of everything didn't she? I thought, looking through the rest of the stuff.

In the toiletries bag was a note.

Hope these are to your liking. If they're not, I can try to find ones that are.

~ Princess Luna

I nearly dropped the letter.

Princess Luna had written me a note!

Well, it was about the basket, but try telling that to the part of my brain that fan-stallioning, over it. I had to keep reminding myself, she was just being a good hostess.

Maybe those stories were just made up to keep kids in line. I thought, putting the note up, and getting the stuff ready.

I mean, all she's been so far is nice to me, I closed the glass door behind me and turned on the shower head. Even though it happened, because we're on the moon. I'm starting to find it hard to believe this Luna is the same as Nightmare Moon.


After the shower, I finished getting ready as I usually would. The door to my room was unlocked.

I opened the door and glanced up and down the hallway. No pony was there, or palace guards.

Riiight, able to come and go as I wish, I thought walking into the hallway, closing the door behind me. Now, where are the kitchens?


I explored the palace, the decor had a unifying theme as everywhere else.

I had found multiple sitting rooms, minor dining rooms, the main library, the ballroom, and the great hall, but I was yet to find the kitchens.

Augh, maybe I should have just rang for room service. I thought turning a corner.

I gasped when I saw I had nearly crashed into two of Luna's guards. I don't know why, but their bat-like armor just looks superimposing.

"E-excuse me," I said. I cleared my throat and then asked, "Would either of you happen to know where the palace kitchen is at?"

"Just continue down this hall, it's through the double doors on the left." One guard said.

"You can't miss it." Said the other.

I thanked the guards and continued to the kitchens.

I found the double doors like the guard ponies had said. I eased a door open and slipped inside, not wanting to get in the way.

Get a couple of sandwiches, and I'm on my way. I thought, before stopping to gawk at the size of the kitchens. It was huge!

It was still early, so the kitchens were unoccupied. I walked through, looking for ingredients to make a few oat and hay sandwiches.

I had my hooves on the loaf of bread when a high-pitched voice cut through the silence.

"Good mornin' Mister Zypher!"

"Ah!" I exclaimed, jumping in surprise. The bread went airborne, but I caught it with an outstretched wing.

"Didn't mean to startle you."

I looked at the newcomer.

She was a white unicorn. Her mane and tail were a happy-looking combination of pink and green. Her cutie mark was a field of stars on a night sky.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, setting the loaf on the wooden counter. I was going to continue making my sandwiches if she didn't try to stop me.

"The whole castle has heard about you, Zypher Comet. Especially how you impressed Princess Luna with your flying."

"Thank you, it was nothing really," I said, finding a jar of clover-infused mayonnaise and a knife. "May I ask what your name is?"

"I'm Starshine. I'm Princess Luna's Student." She said with a smile.

"Student?" I asked, finding the rest of the sandwich ingredients in the double-doored fridge.

"I was chosen from the other Unicorns to learn magic from her. " She said proudly, lifting her head with a grin.

"Wow, that's really cool," I said as I finished making the first sandwich and started making the second. "I didn't know there were other ponies up here besides Princess Luna."

"There are. Back when the Princesses fought, there were a lot of ponies that sided with Princess Luna and were banished with her. My parents were banished, and I was born here. I've actually never seen Canterlot except for through a telescope."

"Oh..." I wasn't really sure how to respond, so I said, "I've only seen portions of the moon through a telescope. I can see the moon, but if wanted a better look it was through a telescope."

"We're not that much different." Starshine said.

"We really aren't." I said, closing the mayonnaise jar, "Storm is probably worrying about me by now."

"Who's Storm?"

"My younger sister, Stormy. There's only about a year between us. We still live at home because of the cost of living. I also have another sister. Her name is Flurry, she's younger than Storm. But she lives in Canterlot and we haven't seen her for a few years."

"I'm sorry to hear that, why haven't you heard from her?"

I sighed and ruffled my wings. "We had a knockdown drag-out fight before she left. A whole bunch of stuff was said. Most of it was not nice. But, she's doing good from what I've heard."

"Don't worry, things will get better between you and her. You'll see." She said reassuringly.

"I hope you're right."

1084 Words

So Zephyr has met Princess Luna's student. I didn't see a mention of a student on the wiki, but since this fic is going with the Fan-cannon idea that other ponies that were loyal to Luna were banished with her, then why not have a student?

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' Til Next Time!

~ TheMoodyPossum

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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