Chapter 3: Zypher

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The palace was just as opulently decorated as the palace of Princess Celestia back in Canterlot. Albeit, he had never seen the palace, it was all second hand from Flurry. But, never in a million years would his family be able to afford all this, and it was just a corridor he had seen.

Though he must admit, the torches that looked like pony legs were slightly off putting...

A guard opened a door, inside was a well decorated bedroom with a balcony that overlooked the palace grounds. A spacious bathroom adjoined to the bedroom.

"Is it to your liking?" A guard asked.

"It is. Please, tell Princess Luna I said thank you."

"I will. And sir,"

"Please, call me Zephyr."

"Right. Zephyr. The Princess wished to inform you that you're welcome to come and go as you please. And that the kitchens are free for whatever use you see fit."

"I'll explore the palace and grounds after I've had a bit of a rest. The travel took it out of me," he said with a yawn.  "As for food, I'll have something after I rise."

After the guard left, I didn't hear the door lock. So Luna really is giving me free reign. I thought, turning my attention to the balcony.

I pushed the decorative glass double doors open. "Wow." I breathed, from this height I could not only see the palace grounds, but I could also see what looked like a city. A legitimate city was on the moon!

I ruffled my feathers at the sight. They itched with excitement. I wanted to take flight and explore the city.

Well, Luna did give me permission to come and go as I pleased, I thought, stretching my wings. Right Zeph, testing boundaries right from the start.

I shook my head, took a few steps backwards, and took to the air.

It immediately surprised me that I could fly like I usually did.

I circled around the gardens twice. They were beautiful, with manicured lawns, and various flowers. There was even a hedge maze. I decided to check that out later.

Once I finished my second lap, I flew effortlessly over the wall.

No barrier? I'm surprised. If all goes well, maybe Luna and I can go flying together? I thought, staying high enough so I would still be visible from the palace wall. 

Hoof for brains! I lost timing of my wing beats causing me to suddenly dip then rise, trying to right myself. Why am I thinking that?! For all I know she could lose it when I get back! I need to quit making plans, when I don't know how she'll react!

I thought, bringing myself back into reality. Which oddly enough didn't cause me to wake up in my bed back home, or on my family's roof.

As I flew over the city, I thought of home.

Here I was on the moon of all places. With no way of getting back home. I still wore the necklace, but still had no clue how it created the portal.

I didn't tell Storm where I was going, or what happened. I didn't even leave a note, for mom and dad! I am such a hoof for brains.

I turned to fly over the rest of the city, and then start heading back for the palace.

How can I get a message to them?

As I neared the palace wall, I saw something, or well, somepony, standing on the walkway on top of the wall.

Princess Luna was waiting for me.

I had to drastically adjust my speed, so I could land.

I jogged a few steps forward with the landing. My hooves clicked on the stone.

"Luna," I said, tucking in my wings.

"Zypher. Enjoy your flight?" She asked, slightly tilting her head.

"I did. The moon is most beautiful tonight." I smiled.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Wait... The city wasn't off limits?"

"Why should it be? I said you could come and go as you wished."

"I was wondering if you had just meant the grounds and the rest of the palace, or if the city was included in it."

"Oh okay. There was a slight miscommunication. You are welcome to come and go as you wish, including the city. But, if you wish to go past the city walls, you're taking your life into your own hoofs."

"How so?" I asked.

"There's plenty of monsters past the walls. Where do you think a monster that is defeated on Earth goes?"

"I usually don't think of such matters. I'm a delivery pony from Manehatten. If I run into trouble, it's of the pony kind, not the monster kind."

We stood there in silence for a few moments before Luna asked, "Would you like to explore the city sometime? I mean- uh- together." 

I got all of a sudden lightheaded hearing this. Was Princess Luna asking out on some type of date? She was probably just being a good hostess, especially since we just met. And I certainly didn't want to look like I wanted to go with her just because of her being a princess. I really did want to go with her, even if all we did was just become some sort of friends. 

"Are you alright Zypher?" Luna asked, "You're looking kinda spaced out. And you have this weird expression going on." She waved a hoof in front of my face. "

"I'm right here," I said shaking my head. "I'm sorry, I just needed a moment to think on your offer. "


"I accept your offer. I look forward to you showing me the city." 

"How about tomorrow night?"

"Works for me, you'll know where to find me." 

I couldn't believe what I had just said. This whole thing must be some sort of dream. I mean Princess Luna does access Pony's dreams. But if she's seeing me dream this, then she'll probably think I'm some sort of weird fanstallion.  If I am dreaming, then this is a good dream. 

873 Words


Sorry for this chapter being so short, but the next one is going to be a POV shift. Question, when Luna is on the moon, does Nightmare Moon hang around all the time? Or is it more of when Luna is in some sort of a mood (Lack of better phraseing) then she shows up? I couldn't make mane or tail of it from the wiki. 

Don't forget to fav and comment if you liked it. Please comment even if you didn't, I would really like the feedback.

'Til Next Time!

~ TheMoodyPossom

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