Hi Blue here, so these are some of the things that I always used to wonder about. I got some of them from Google though so yeah.......Enjoy:)
Am I The Only One that....
*Says 'Dude' dramatically before saying something important?
*Can make my eyes blur willingly?
*Notices random things? Such as: 11:11, 12:34 and/or 11/11/11.
*Totally loves kids shows?
*Thinks Disney is getting a bit.......rated?
*Loves the 'When you see it....' Memes?
*Gets annoyed at people who use so much text language, it's unrecognisable?
*Once woke up with a spider/bug on my face? *shudders*
*Dreamt about a boy and then the next day started liking him? A/N that's happened to me so many times, it's weird.
*If I text a person in the same room as me, I stare at them until they get it.
*That is secretly on Wattpad?
*That gets told not to do something and they do the opposite? Like gets told not to look but looks anyway.
*That gets annoyed when watching a movie/video clip in class and the teacher leaves the cursor in the middle of the screen.
*That absolutely HATES the sound of metal against metal. E.g: a fork scraping a pot.
*That doesn't have a Facebook? (sadly:()
*That still likes the 90s music?
*That tried the Harlem Shake?
*Sometimes feel embarrassed for people on TV.
*That is getting bored of these "Am I the only one..." memes?
I hope you enjoyed those, I am running out of what to write about so sowwy:3
Comment which is your fav and maybe Vote and Follow.
Blue is out;)
KEEP CALM AND STAY WEIRD (book of randomness and funny jokes)
AcakThis book has all these funny, random and weird things me and my friends think up and I just wanted to share them with someone so....here they are. Some of them won't be funny, they could be quotes, cute things or stuff like pick-up lines and random...