Some of you should be ashamed.

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Okay. So. Very serious here.

You have been warned.

Okay this chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends. No, I'm not going to name her. I just hope everyone reading knows how serious this is. She's going through a really hard time. (If any of you know who I'm talking about DONT YOU DARE COMMENT HER USERNAME.) I was going through the same thing not too long ago, and she was the only one there for me. Now it's my turn.

Dear --------------,

Listen. Just hear me out. Don't brush this off. Don't you dare. Okay? Good.

I'm not going to give you all the sappy (4letterword) that therapists and others give you. Cause I've been in the exact same situation. You were always there for me no matter what time of day or night it was. I'm going to do my best to return the favor.

Whoever made you feel this way, you tell me. Because I'm going to show up with pizza, chocolate, and ice cream for you and a baseball bat for my own use. Nobody is going to talk crap about my best friend and get off easy. Okay, I'm not that threatening, but you haven't seen me in full-out Hulk rage mode.

In short, I'm always gonna be there even if you DONT need me to be.

Everyone says that it will get better, that it's just a stage. Heck, I even had someone tell me that the only reason I was like that is because "it's kind of a trend!".

Gosh I came so close to punching her.

Yes, it will get better. But it's never going to be the exact same way again. There's always gonna be those walls that you put up. Your Happy is going to be Happier, your Sad will be Sadder. It changes you. I'm going to tell you the same thing you told me lo those many moons ago:

If you cut, I cut.


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