Unexpected Encounters

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Rainah couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease every time she saw Aliyaar in the office. Their encounters were limited to casual encounters in the canteen, the library, or occasional meetings in the boardroom. Rainah was aware of the hierarchy in the office, with Aliyaar being her senior in age and rank.

She chose not to address him by name, instead using a respectful "sir" or "Mr Khan" when necessary.

One sunny afternoon, Rainah found herself sitting alone in her office library, absorbed in her research for a project. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice Aliyaar's entrance until he cleared his throat, causing her to look up in surprise.

Aliyaar sarcastically said "What a surprise, stumbling upon you in the library. Don't you have better things to do? Or are you just here to pretend to be diligent?"

Rainah's heart sank at Aliyaar's cutting words. She could feel the weight of her disdain, and it fueled her growing frustration.

Rainah defensively said, "I'm here to work, like everyone else."

Aliyaar then mockingly said "Work? Please, you're just trying to get attention with your over-the-top efforts. I don't know how you manage to deceive others."

Rainah bit her lip, fighting back tears. She refused to let him see how deeply her words affected her.

Rainah softly expressed "I don't expect you to understand, but Sir I take my job seriously. I don't need your validation."

Aliyaar's friends Ahad and Rohan, who were nearby, exchanged worried glances. They had witnessed Aliyaar's relentless insults against Rainah in the past, and it was beginning to weigh on her conscience.

Ahad silently said "Aliyaar, that's enough. Rainah is just trying to do her job. You don't have to belittle her every chance you get."

Rohan while nodding said "He's right, Aliyaar. It's not fair to treat Rainah this way. We're all colleagues here and she deserves respect."

Aliyaar looked at his friends, his face contorted with rage and mischievously said "Oh, look who's defending the poor little girl now. I didn't know you two had become her knights in shining armor."

Rainah could feel her patience wearing thin, but she held her ground, determined not to let Aliyaar's insults break her spirit.

Rainah firmly said "It's not about being a knight in shining armor, Aliyaar Sir. It's about basic decency and treating others with respect. I would appreciate it if you could understand that."

Aliyaar's friends exchanged another look, this time full of disappointment. They expected Aliyaar to show some remorse for his hurtful behavior, but he didn't seem to want to change.

Ahad was very disappointed and said "Aliyaar, we thought you were better than this. We can't stand by and watch you degrade Rainah. You're not who we thought you were."Rohan resolute and told "If you continue to treat Rainah this way, we will have no choice but to report her behavior to superiors. This has gone too far."Aliyaar's face hardened and he walked out of the library without a word, leaving Rainah, Venessa Ahad, and Rohan in tense silence.Rainah couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and sadness.

While Aliyaar's abrupt departure offered her temporary respite from his insults, she couldn't shake the lingering impact of his harsh words. Ahad and Rohan approached Rainah; their expressions filled with concern.

Ahad apologizingly said to "Rainah, we are truly sorry for Aliyaar's behavior. Please know that not everyone in the office shares your views or treats you with such disrespect."

Rohan also sympathised and said "You don't deserve to be treated this way, Rainah. We've witnessed your dedication and talent, and it's disheartening to see how Aliyaar undermines them."

Rainah managed a small smile, grateful for the support she received from her colleagues.

Rainah was grateful and said "Thank you, Ahad Sir and Rohan Sir. Your understanding means a lot to me. It has been a challenge to deal with Aliyaar Sir's constant attacks, but your support gives me strength."

Ahad determinedly said "We're not going to let this continue, Rainah. Aliyaar needs to understand the consequences of his actions. We'll speak with higher-ups and warn them of the toxic environment he's creating."

Rohan while nodding said "Absolutely. No one should have to endure such mistreatment. Let's make sure your voice is heard and justice is done."Rainah felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. Knowing that her peers supported her provided a glimmer of optimism in the face of adversity. She couldn't help but reflect on the reasons behind Aliyaar's behavior. Perhaps there were deeper insecurities or personal issues fueling her animosity towards her.For the next few weeks, Rainah focused on her work while also mustering the courage to stand up for herself whenever Aliyaar crossed her path. She didn't shy away from asserting her worth and reminding him that she deserved respect.

During a departmental meeting, Aliyaar couldn't resist the opportunity to belittle Rainah in front of her colleagues. He made snide comments about her ideas and contributions, trying to undermine her confidence.Rainah took a deep breath, determined not to let her words slow her down. She responded with grace and firmness, defending her ideas,and highlighting the value she brought to the table. This caught the attention of Abir, another colleague who had been watching Aliyaar's behavior for some time.

Abir was impressed and said "Rainah, I must say, your professionalism and resilience are commendable. Despite constant challenges, you continue to excel."Rainah smiled, grateful for Abir's recognition. Her words served as a reminder that not everyone saw her through Aliyaar's distorted lens.

Over time, Rainah's confidence grew, fueled by the support of her peers and her own determination to prove Aliyaar wrong. She refused to let his negativity define her worth or dampen her spirit.Venessa, her work friend, continued to be a pillar of strength, encouraging Rainah to focus on her own growth and well-being and encouragingly said "Rainah, don't let the toxicity of Aliyaar Sir consume you. You have so much potential and there are people who genuinely appreciate and value you. Let go of needing their approval and thrive on your own terms."

Rainah nodded, her eyes full of gratitude and determination. She realized that she had the power to overcome Aliyaar's harmful behavior and create a positive path for herself.

Hey, guys!!!I have to say that writing this chapter was incredibly challenging because I don't really have a script or plot, I'm just going with the flow and writing whatever is on my mind. And English is not my first language so please forgive me for my grammatical mistakes.

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