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The next day, early in the morning at around 5 o'clock, Naruto was shaken awake by his Godfather, Jiraiya, and was hurriedly forced to get ready in five minutes. 

After Naruto got ready he asked Jiraiya why he was woken up so early. "You wanted to learn a new jutsu, didn't you?" Jiraiya asked Naruto in a monotone voice. Naruto yawned and nodded." Well then, get rid of your sleepiness and get ready to witness this great jutsu invented by the Fourth Hokage! So, there is a step-by-step way of learning the Rasengan, so I will teach you the first step now," Jiraiya explained to a very bored Naruto.

"Can't you just show me the last result, please? I will try to do it," Naruto pleaded with Jiraiya. Jiraiya nodded and formed a Rasengan on his palm and showed Naruto. "See that? It is a very tough jutsu so don't be afraid if it takes you some weeks to learn-" Jiraiya was cut off by Naruto displaying an overly large Rasengan that was the size of a tree. "You mean this?" Naruto asked Jiraiya, yawning. Jiraiya's jaw dropped to the floor when he saw the size of the Rasengan. 

Tsunade came out running from the house. She yelled, "Jiraiya! You are risking the boy's life by making such a large Rasengan. Oh, it's Naruto," she said and turned back to head to the house. Then it hit her. She took a double take and saw Naruto doing the Rasengan. That too the size of a tree. Tsunade's Jaw also dropped to the floor. Jiraiya gathered his jaw back up and looked at Naruto.

"Well, since you have mastered the Rasengan in a second, why don't you try adding your wind affinity to it? I am sure you-" Jiraiya was, again, cut off by Naruto yelling, "Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!" and threw a large Rasengan with the wind affinity. The result of it was not at all pretty. When it hit a tree, the entire forest was destroyed in a frenzy. Jiraiya and Tsunade's jaws dropped to the floor again. 

After seeing the mass devastation caused by his Rasenshuriken, Naruto kneeled to the ground and placed his hands on the ground. In the place of the destroyed and uprooted trees, new trees emerged from the ground. They blossomed to a height of 5000 feet due to Naruto's oceanic charka reserves. The jaws of Tsunade and Jiraiya were hell-bent on falling to the floor once again. And they did. 

Naruto, not only had added Wind affinity to the Rasengan like he was eating cake, but he also destroyed and replaced an entire damn forest, displaying the Wood Release that was only available to the First Hokage of the Leaf, Hashirama Senju, the grandfather of Naruto Namikaze Senju. And all through this he did not break a sweat. At the age of 2. Tsunade and Jiraiya fainted on the spot, leaving Naruto to use his Mangekyou to activate Susano'o to carry them back into the house. Naruto mentally sighed, wanting to go back to sleep.

Naruto Namikaze Senju: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now