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After an hour, Jiraiya and Tsunade woke up in their respective bedrooms. They shrugged off the things that Naruto had done as a dream. They wanted to tell each other about their dreams. Jiraiya burst open Tsunade's door. "Tsunade, I had this weird drea-" Jiraiya was cut off by Tsunade. "Wait, you also had a weird dream?" Tsunade asked Jiraiya. Jiraiya nodded. Naruto came behind them and greeted them.

"I see you guys got up, huh?" Naruto told them. "Wait, you are talking as though we were awake before," Jiraiya questioned Naruto. Naruto nodded. "Yep, don't you remember the Rasenshuriken? And the Susano'o?" Naruto replied. Jiraiya looked at Tsunade, who nodded in confirmation. Two-year-old Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki Senju Uchiha, the son of the Fourth Hokage, had added the Wind Affinity to the Rasengan, a feat that was not possible by Minato Namikaze Uchiha himself. Jiraiya and Tsunade were shocked, again. Jiraiya decided that since Naruto was so powerful, it is wise (read: VERY UNWISE) to let him learn the jutsus present in the Scroll of Seals. Maybe he could master the Edo Tensei, created by the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju.

But first, Jiraiya thought, I will teach him Toad Sage Mode. If he learns it, then I will be sure that Naruto is the Child of Prophecy. Meanwhile, Naruto used Flying Raijin to teleport to the Hokage Tower, telling Tsunade, 'Be right back!'. When he reached the Hokage Office, he knocked twice. "Come in," said the muffled voice of the God of Shinobi. Naruto entered. Naruto was unusually tall for a two-year-old. he stood a the height of 3'5", with a lean muscular body. When the third saw who it was, His face broke into a smile. "Naruto! What brings you here today?" Hiruzen asked the boy. Naruto grinned. "Hello, Gramps Hokage! May I ask you for a favor?" he asked. Hiruzen nodded. 

"Can I borrow the scroll of seals?" Naruto asked Hiruzen, giving him puppy dog eyes while doing so. Hiruzen almost fell out of his chair. "Let you borrow the scroll of seals? That is impossible, Naruto. Ask me something else," Hiruzen replied to Naruto's odd request. "But it is so boring, the jutsus that Pervy Sage teaches me is so easy to do," Naruto replied. "Did you learn the Rasengan?" Hiruzen asked kindly. "I did it in the morning and added all chakra natures to it as well," Naruto answered Hiruzen's questions. "When did you start learning Rasengan?" Hiruzen asked, trying to keep the fear in his voice hidden. "Today," Naruto answered plainly.

Hiruzen rushed out of the door and came back after a few seconds. holding the scroll of seals. "Here you go. Now don't disturb me until you have mastered each and every formula," Hiruzen said, giving Naruto the huge scroll. Naruto grinned at him and teleported away. Hiruzen sighed and went back to battle the paperwork.

When Naruto reached home, Jiraiya asked him where he had gone. "I went to see Gramps Hokage to borrow the Scroll of Seals," Naruto told him. "Wait a second. how did you go there?" Jiraiya asked Naruto curiously. "Flying Raijin" Naruto replied, pushing Jiraiya to the side to go to the kitchen towards Tsunade. Jiraiya was stunned. Naruto had, once again, proven to be the Child of Prophecy. Jiraiya mentally sighed, this is going to take a long time.

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