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-10 years later-

Naruto woke up. He looked over at the calendar placed on his bedside table. He saw the date and grinned. Naruto was now 12 years old; today was the day he joined the Academy at the Leaf. Today was their graduation exam, and Naruto wondered how easy it would be. He yawned and slowly got up. It was 6 a.m.

He sighed, wanting to go back to sleep but his hyperactive mind was now awake. It would not rest now. Since he was awake, Naruto decided to train. Warm up for the upcoming test. He used Flying Raijin to teleport to a dense forest 2000 miles away from the Leaf and his house. He activated his Mangekyou and unleashed the Susano'o. Naruto's Skeletal Susano'o was 500 meters tall, his Humanoid 2500m, his Armoured 5000m, and his Complete Susano'o were a whopping 10,000 meters high.

He whipped out the Totsuka Blade which he had found with much hard work. He slashed it and the forest cleared around him for miles. He had destroyed the forest. He then used his Wood Style and recreated the entire forest.

He then realized that tomorrow was the day that Tsunade was going to implant his father's Mangekyou into his own, making it an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, one that only Madara Uchiha, his paternal grandfather had achieved. He wondered why he didn't have the Rinnegan since he had both Senju and Uchiha blood. He shrugged and teleported back to his house.

When he arrived, Jiraiya told him to teleport to the academy, since it was time for the test. Naruto nodded and teleported. He had once come to observe the academy and had placed a sealing formula on one of the trees. He teleported there and looked around. He saw no one since everyone had already entered the class. He looked around and found his class.

He entered and saw his sensei was telling the Genin Exams to the kids. What was his name? Some Iruka or something, Naruto thought as Iruka noticed him. "Okay class, this is Naruto Namikaze. He is here to join us for the exams. So, Naruto. You may sit next to Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke, raise your hand," Iruka glanced at the class before turning to the board and continuing to write. Sasuke raised his hand and Naruto sat next to him.

Everybody was muttering about Naruto. Some wondered why he had come on the last day of the academy. Many of the girls were swooning as Naruto went past them. Sakura jumped at half the Sasuke Fan club for switching sides and swooning over Naruto instead of her beloved Sasuke-kun. They ignored her and continued staring at Naruto.

As Naruto sat by him, Sakura went towards him and said to him, "If you are trying to be cooler than Sasuke-kun then it's not working on me," she told Naruto, wrapping her arms across her chest and looking away. Naruto leaned over to her and calmly whispered, "I don't give a damn about what you think of me, cause you are not that worthy of my attention," Naruto leaned back and Sasuke tried to control his laughter but failed and started rolling on the floor, laughing. Sakura blushed and scurried back to her seat.

Sasuke regained his senses and crawled back to his seat. He extended his hand to Naruto, "I am Sasuke Uchiha. I would like to be your friend," he told Naruto. Naruto accepted his hand and shook it. "Now we are friends," Naruto replied. Iruka told them all to start the written exam. After about 10 seconds, Naruto completed his test and handed his test to Iruka. Iruka nodded and took it. After some time, everybody had completed it and now it was time for the practical exam. It required the student to perform one Clone jutsu and one Transformation jutsu.

Naruto stepped up as his name was called out. Iruka requested him to perform a Bushin no Jutsu (Clone Jutsu) and a Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu). Naruto told Iruka, "If I do an S- Rank jutsu, will you allow me to pass?". Iruka nodded nervously. Naruto ushered them outside, to make sure not to destroy the academy.

Once they reached outside, he extended his hand upwards and yelled, "Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!" and threw the jutsu towards a nearby tree. The said tree was ripped apart and a giant explosion followed after. It left a huge crater that destroyed half the academy ground. 

"Wait, I will fix it," saying this, Naruto used Earth Style to fix the mess and used Wood Style to make more trees. This display of the First Hokage's Rare Ninjutsu caught Mizuki and Iruka off guard. Needless to say, Naruto passed the Academy exam with flying colors.

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