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They reached the training ground and to none of their surprise, Kakashi was not at all present. Naruto took out a seal and opened it. From inside it came out three sleeping bags along with three eye masks. "Come on! You know even Fuinjutsu? Man, you are cool," said Sasuke in mock jealousy.
Naruto grinned sheepishly and laid down in his sleeping bag. The other two followed his example and soon the three fell asleep.

-Three hours later-
It was 10 o' clock by the time Kakashi had arrived.
Naruto, Sasuke and surprisingly even Hinata, were fuming mad at his late arrival.
He had scratched the back of his head sheepishly and grinned at them stupidly from his mask.
"Now that you all are done reprimanding me, let's start your test, shall we?" Kakashi spoke. "Let me explain the rules. You have to catch these two bells on my waist before noon to pass. You guys ready?"
They all nodded and took their positions. Naruto signalled them to move into the bushes. They all jumped back.
Kakashi looked around and was suddenly paralysed. Killing Intent (KI)
leaked out and suddenly he heard Sasuke shout, "Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Ball!", and he was immediately engulfed in the fire. It was weak, so it barely singed him .
He felt a hand grope around on his waist and he was free.
Naruto was holding the bells and grinning at him. Sasuke was right next to him, also grinning. Hinata looked flustered.
"So, I am guessing we passed?" Sasuke said, grinning like a madman.
Naruto smirked at his Kaka-nii. He was sooooo weak compared to Naruto. Naruto was expecting Kakashi to unleash his Sharingan but, alas, he didn't do so.
Kakashi straightened up and grinned at them.
"Well, you guys did perfect teamwork so, you pass!" Kakashi exclaimed.
"Come on! Let's go to my house to celebrate, shall we?", Sasuke said, grabbing Hinata and Naruto and sprinting away. Kakashi sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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