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After showing his incredible use of Ninjutsu, Naruto was given the Headband or Hitai- Ate of the Leaf. He smiled when he took the headband. This was a symbol that said that he was now a responsible citizen of the Leaf.

The next day, Iruka ushered them into class and spoke to them,

"Okay everybody settle down! Now you shall be divided into three-man teams, led by your Jonin Instructor. Starting with Team 7. It consists of Naruto Namikaze, Sasuke Uchiha, and Hinata Hyūga. Your Jonin Instructor is Kakashi Hatake. Team 8 consists of Sakura Haruno, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame. Your Jonin Instructor is Kurenai Yuhi. Team 9 is the same as before, with no difference. And lastly, Team Ten consists of Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi. Your Jonin Instructor is Asuma Sarutobi. After lunch, each of your Jonin Instructors shall come and take you. So, I guess this is goodbye," saying this, Iruka waved his hand at them and left the classroom.

They all had lunch and chatted. Naruto went near Sasuke and Hinata. He sat next to them. He introduced himself to Hinata and said to her, "You have beautiful eyes,". Hinata blushed. Sasuke leaned towards Naruto and asked, "Where did you learn such a powerful jutsu from? Even my brother, Itachi can't do it,". "I created it myself. Pretty easy if you ask me. I have added all elemental affinities to the Rasengan. Took me about a few seconds. It was very boring," Naruto replied to Sasuke. Sasuke whistled, impressed by Naruto's power.

"Say, Sasuke. You are an Uchiha, right? Can you show me your Sharingan?" Naruto asked, wanting to know how powerful was his teammate's Sharingan. Sasuke activated his Sharingan. It was a Two-Tomoe sharingan that he had unlocked due to his vigorous training, unlike Naruto, who had unlocked his Mangekyou during his parent's death. No One-Tomoe, no Two-Tomoe, no Three-Tomoe. Directly a Mangekyou. Sasuke was proud of his Sharingan.

"Hey, Naruto. What is your full name? I think you are a Senju since you can use the First Hokage's Mokuton (Wood Release)!" Sasuke asked him, excited to know more about this genius sitting in front of him. "My full name is Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki Senju Uchiha," Naruto replied, playing with a leaf that had flown in through the window. Sasuke was stunned. "Wait, you are an Uchiha! Have you unlocked your Sharingan?" Sasuke was jumping up and down, Hinata grabbing his sleeve to make him sit down. Naruto smiled.

"I have unlocked my Sharingan," Naruto said, activating his Mangekyou Sharingan. "You are a badass! You have a Mangekyou Sharingan! At such a young age! Only my father and my brother have it! I am so jealous!" Sasuke crossed his hands across his chest in a joking manner. He sat down and the bell rang, symbolizing the end of lunch.

They all went to their seats and waited for their Jonin Instructors to appear. "I will be right back," saying this, Naruto used the Body Flicker Technique (Shunshin no Jutsu) and flickered away. He ended up in a memorial stone, with his Jonin Instructor, Kakashi Hatake, standing next to a gravestone. It was labeled; In the Memory of Obito Uchiha and another reading; Rin Nohara.

Kakashi placed a bouquet on each of the gravestones, shed a few tears, and turned back to head to the academy. He saw Naruto looking over at him. "Kaka-nii, how long will it take for you to come to the academy? Our team is waiting for you! I know you came here to pay respect to Obito and Rin but you are taking a ton of time! Come, I will use Flying Raijin to teleport us there," Naruto pouted at his teacher/brother. Kakashi smiled. He nodded, his throat on the verge of tearing with the sobs he was constraining.

Naruto grabbed his arm and they teleported to the Academy. He led him to his classroom. Kakashi entered and called out, "Team 7? I am your Jonin Instructor, Kakashi Hatake,". Sasuke and Hinata made their way toward the door. "Meet me at the rooftop in five minutes," Kakashi said, and Shunshined away.

Naruto looked toward his teammates, "Do you guys want to teleport or walk the stairs?" he questioned, as if it was a normal thing. "Umm...Naruto-kun......can we t..t..teleport?" Hinata questioned, grabbing Naruto's hand, her face bright red. Naruto gripped he =r hand and grabbed Sasuke's arm. "Teleport it is!" saying this, Naruto teleported them both to the rooftop.

Once they reached the rooftop, Kakashi told them to take a seat next to the stairs, and they sat down. "Now, y'all are going to introduce yourself. I will start first as an example. My name is Kakashi Hatake, my hobbies are too adult so I will tell you when you grow up, I hate nothing as of now, and my dreams are none of your business. First, you start, lavender," Kakashi completed his introduction and pointed at Hinata.

"My name is Hinata Hyuga; my hobbies are training and spending time with my sister, I hate nothing and my dream is to become the strongest kunoichi in the village," Hinata managed to say without stuttering. "Next, you duck hair," Kakashi pointed at Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha; my hobbies are training and spending time with my nii-san, my dream is to become the strongest Uchiha and I hate people like Sakura" Sasuke muttered the last part to himself. "Next, you Naruto," Kakashi pointed at him.

"My name is Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki Senju Uchiha; my hobbies are training, eating Ramen, and fighting Uncle Jiraiya, I hate the waiting time to cook Ramen and the people who misuse and bully others. My dream is to become the strongest Hokage," Naruto leaned over and stared at the sky.

Kakashi stared at them and turned around to face the grounds below. "Tomorrow, meet me at Training Ground Three at 6 a.m. I suggest you do not eat any breakfast," Kakashi said and flickered away. "Hey, you guys wanna go get some Ramen? I know a great place!" Naruto exclaimed. The other two nodded and followed Naruto to Ichiraku to get some Miso Pork Ramen. After eating the Ramen, Hinata and Sasuke joined Naruto to his house for a sleepover, to get to know each other. The next day, when they woke up, Naruto prepared some ramen for them to eat before they reach the training ground. "B..b..but, K..k..kakashi sensei said not to eat anything, right?" Hinata asked Naruto nervously. "It's a ploy. I can read body language and he was screaming at me, 'Eat food!'" Naruto grinned. They ate their Ramen quietly and teleported to Training Ground Three.

Naruto Namikaze Senju: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now