just me saying hi

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i just wanted to say hello and introduce myself, so here is that. 

i'm jo (shocker lol), my pronouns are she/they, and i love the boys. i am 21, currently living in florida with my girlfriend, and i work at a theme park lmfao.

i genuinely was not expecting anyone to read this, let alone actually interact with it, so thank you for that. 

this is something that i do to escape the real world, so i'm glad other people are enjoying stepping into that world. 

that being said, i will update randomly, so i apologize for the inconsistency that is going to occur. i also don't know which direction i want to take this story at all, i just wanted to get my thoughts out on paper. 

if anyone has any ideas for the story, plot wise or characters wise, please feel free to reach out. 

i will also admit that when it gets to that point, i genuinely do not believe i can write smut, so if that changes i'll let y'all know, but at this point in time i fear i am not capable of writing something that wouldn't make me cringe. 

but anyways, i'm sitting at the coffee shop my girlfriend works at while she works tonight so there should be at least one update tonight <3 xoxoxo

also, thank you again :)

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