ch 19 - groupchat

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*boygenius and two dummies*

Alex: let us know when you make it wherever you end up please

Jo: we're just going back to our apartment

Jo: nowhere too extravagant

Alex: now that's not much of a first date now is it?

Alex: your poor lady's gonna see the least exciting spot in all of ketchum

Jo: there are much worse places to go than our apartment

Phoebe: i agree with jo

Lucy: i'd also like to agree with jo

Phoebe: can we go alex

Lucy: pleeeeeease

Jo: are you guys not still at the bar?

Alex: oh they are

Phoebe: hehe

Lucy: alex is loving having us here

Alex: when you type it out that does not feel sincere

Julien: It really did not seem sincere



Jo: she is not driving

Jo: how far away do you think we live?

Julien: I would never put her life at risk, Alex

Phoebe: that's our julien<3

Lucy: she's a good driver

Lucy: better than phoebe

Phoebe: now you take that back

Lucy: once something's on the internet it's there forever i fear

Phoebe: :(

Julien: We love you, Phoebe

Phoebe: thank you JB

Jo: when are you guys gonna head this way?

Alex: i have to figure out a band for next week

Alex: and make sure everyone is okay if neither of us is here

Alex: and make sure everyone knows what closing side work they have

Alex: and figure out a band for next week

Jo: you said that one already

Lucy: we'll do it!

Alex: thank god

Alex: i was hoping you'd say that

Phoebe: it can be our going away show

Jo: going away show? :(

Phoebe: uh oh

Lucy: uh oh


Lucy: alex is yelling at us

Julien: Jo's yelling at me

Phoebe: ladies

Phoebe: theydies

Phoebe: we'll reconvene on this when we're all together i suppose

Alex: did you just call me a theydie

Phoebe: possibly

Alex: i want to hate it but i can't

Phoebe: would you prefer gentlethem?

Alex: GENTLETHEM?? as in theydies and gentlethem???

Jo: oh my god

Lucy: if only you could see this unfolding in person

Julien: Let us know when you're on your way here

Alex: yeah yeah

Alex: go let jo give you a tour of her bedroom ;)

Lucy: ;)

Phoebe: ;)

Jo: oh my GOD

*Jo left the conversation*

*Julien Baker added Jo to the conversation*

Alex: hehehehe

*Jo left the conversation*

*Alex added Jo to the conversation*

Alex: you love me

Jo: you sure are lucky you're cute

Alex: i sure am lucky ;)

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