ch 27 - alex

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I took the fastest shower humanly possible so I could spend as much time with Phoebe, Lucy, and Julien on their last night in town. I towel dried my hair as best as possible, and headed out to the living room. I chatted with Lucy and Phoebe until Jo and Julien brought the popcorn and a few other snacks into the living room. As they came out of the kitchen, I could tell with one look that something was not right with Jo, and not just in the sad that our new friends were leaving way. I made a face at her to let her know I knew something was off, and she made a face that told me she'd talk to me about it later. I made it seem like I was brushing it off, but I could not stop thinking about the look on her face.

"Uh, you guys can start the movie, I'm gonna go talk to Jo for a minute," Julien said.

I made eye contact with Jo again, and I made a face that let her know that I could see what the problem was now. She flashed us a semi convincing smile that I was not buying, and Julien grabbed her hand to lead her out of the living room.

"Do you think she's actually gonna do it?" Lucy asked.

"I don't know. I can't imagine it," Phoebe said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked Phoebe and Lucy.

"I mean, Julien's been going on and on about her since we met you guys," Phoebe said.

"She was talking about asking Jo to be her girlfriend," Lucy said.

"No way! That is not what Jo thinks they are going in there to talk about," I said in an excited tone.

"What do you mean?" Phoebe said.

"I know Jo like the back of my hand. That face that she was making when she came out of the kitchen said she was nervous. Like, very nervous," I started. "And that smile before they went back there? That was the fakest thing I've ever seen. She's probably back there in tears as we speak."

"Our Julien is the sweetest human on this planet. I'm convinced she can do no wrong; Jo has nothing to worry about," Lucy said with a smile.

"I am just so happy that we met you guys when we did. Jo's ex really fucked her up in the relationship side of things, and I've been trying to get her to step out of her comfort zone and try dating again, but she's been so scared. I haven't seen her as happy as she's been with Julien–and you guys–in months. That's probably why her talking about Julien all the time hasn't been bothering me like it bothered me when she talked about Jess. I just want her to be happy, you know?"

"We know. Julien is our sweet little baby angel, and we want the best for her. It seems like Jo is the best for her just based off the past two weeks they've been hanging out. She makes her really happy," Phoebe said, lighting up just talking about the two of them.

"I know it's been said a million times, but we're really gonna miss you guys," I said.

"We're gonna miss you guys!" Lucy said. "What are we supposed to do after a day at the studio without a queer-owned, Halloween-themed bar right down the road? We're going to be so bored."

I let out a laugh knowing she was embellishing for my benefit. They could never be too bored; they had each other, and they were some of the most exciting people I had ever met in my life.

"Me and Jo are gonna be at the bar every single day trying to keep occupied; Jo more so than me," I said. "I mean, I love you guys and all, but you know how you said Julien wouldn't shut up about her? That goes both ways."

"Glad we're all in this together," Phoebe said with a laugh.

"They've been back there for a while, no?" Lucy said. "Should we check and make sure everyone's alive?"

"Well if JB asked her what we think she was going to, they're probably back there sucking face," Phoebe said with a mock disgusted look on her face causing us all to crack up laughing.

"I'll go check on them, give me a sec," I said as I peeled myself from the comfort of the couch.

As I walked down the hallway, I couldn't help but smile to myself. I really was so lucky to have all of these people in my life. I was also incredibly happy that Jo had found someone that makes her as happy as she can be, which makes me happy as can be in return. When I got to her door, I listened for a second to make sure I wasn't interrupting any important conversations. When I heard no words being exchanged, I raised my hand to knock on the door.

"Everyone alive in there?" I shouted so they would hear me through the door.

"Be out in a sec," I heard Jo's voice answer before she quietly groaned.

"I heard that!" I yelled. "The popcorn is cold now!"

I turned to walk back to the living room with the biggest smile on my face. When I got back into the living room, Phoebe and Lucy looked at me with expectation in their eyes.

"So? Were they making out?" Phoebe asked.

"I mean I didn't go in just in case, but I didn't hear any talking going on before I knocked if that's what you're asking," I replied with a smirk.

"Oh my god! She totally did it!" Lucy squealed.

As Lucy, Phoebe, and I were silently cheering, I heard voices coming down the hallway. We all quickly whipped our heads around just in time to see the happy couple entering the living room, hand in hand.

"SHE DID IT!" Phoebe yelled, causing everyone to laugh and Julien to turn the cutest shade of pink.

I hopped back off the couch and ran over to hug both of them.

"I'm so happy for you," I whispered in Jo's ear so only she could hear me.

"I'm so happy for me, too," she whispered back.

And we pretended for the rest of the night that we had endless time together and all was right in the world for one more night. 


i love doing alex pov

i just love them

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