ch 39 - jo (also short)

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After Alex got in the shower, I went into my room and checked my phone to see that I had multiple missed texts Julien, Phoebe, and Lucy.

*10 new message notifications*

jb<3 : Hey :) We just finished the show and Phoebe checked your location and you're leaving work so I'll wait to call you until you get home
jb<3 : Phoebe wants to facetime so we can show you something lol

pb bridgers: JOOOOOOOOOO
pb bridgers: wait just saw u r driving
pb bridgers: i love sharing locations
pb bridgers: julien says we can call you when youre home so let us know when that is ok love u bye

lucy daytime kiss kiss: phoebe wants us to show you something and she won't shut up about it so i really need you to call so i can stop hearing about how bad she wants to show you
lucy daytime kiss kiss: i mean i also want to see your lovely faces but i need her to shut up about this
lucy daytime kiss kiss: also its kinda cool but don't tell phoebe i said that

I decided it would be faster to just text them in a group chat so I could ask a favor before Alex got out of the shower.


Jo: omg sorry i just saw all your texts and thought it would be faster to just mass reply

pb bridgers: she said reply all

lucy daytime kiss kiss: deadass

jb<3 : What's up baby

pb bridgers: this is so gay i cant

lucy daytime kiss kiss: vomit

Jo: ok so alex is like

Jo: world's biggest muna fan

Jo: so i was wondering

pb bridgers: ILL GO GET THEM

Jo: al's in the shower rn bc they want to give a good impression

lucy daytime kiss kiss: oh so this is serious

jb<3 : Katie was just in here asking if they were ever going to meet my "infamous" girlfriend

Jo: infamous huh ;)

Jo: but seriously it would mean the world to alex

Jo: and also me bc huge fan here as well

Jo: but im a boygenius stan first and foremost

lucy daytime kiss kiss: we love you

jb<3 : What time is it there?

pb bridgers: 9:24

Jo: 9:24

Jo: phoebe how

pb bridgers: sorry

jb<3 : Will you guys be up for like an hour and a half?

pb bridgers: yeah can we call u at like 11

pb bridgers: the thing i want us to show you isnt quite ready yet

Jo: sounds good to me :)

Jo: i'll let alex know they have more time to prepare questions for muna lmfao

Jo: i'm also gonna go take a quick shower but you guys can call whenever i'm sure me and alex are just gonna watch a movie or something

Jo: maybe order a pizza or something

jb<3 : I'll order you guys pizza

jb<3 : Just text me what you guys want when you get out of the shower and I'll order it

Jo: that is completely unnecessary

lucy daytime kiss kiss: let the girl do something nice for you my god

pb bridgers: go get clean julien will order the pizza

Jo: ugh

Jo: brb getting in shower


a/n: chapter 40 will be long i promise

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