ch 42 - jo

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As I stood in the doorway looking like a deer in headlights, my brain finally started to catch up to what my eyes were seeing. My girlfriend, her bandmates, and one of my other favorite bands were currently standing on my front porch. I looked around at everyone until my eyes finally found Julien's and latched on. We stared at each other for a solid minute before I heard Phoebe speak up.

"Does this mean we can come in?"

I felt Alex's body freeze against mine. I stayed completely still, eyes locked on Julien as I felt Alex's head whip around and them lean in.

"There's no way this is real right? We cannot let MUNA into our house while we look like this," they whispered in my ear in a panicked voice.

I stood there for another second before I felt my hand come up and push the door closed in their faces.

"Go get changed!" I whisper-yelled at Alex before we took off running in the direction of our rooms.

I started to take my sweatshirt off as I ran into my room. I tripped as the sweatshirt was over my head, and when I went to stand back up I saw the leather mini skirt I had been looking for for weeks under my bed. I quickly changed into the skirt and the tank top I had bedazzled the word "dyke" onto after Alex and I saw Josette wear a similar one on stage at one of their concerts. I gave myself one last look in the mirror before I ran back downstairs. I looked through the peephole to see that the six of them were still standing there, and then I heard Alex running back up behind me. I turned around and saw that they were wearing the same shirt as me, but in t-shirt form.

"I would say one of us has to change, but we don't have time for that," they said as they walked over and flung the door back open.

My eyes immediately locked back on Julien, and I could see that she was looking at me too. I stared at her as she looked at me up and down a few times while the others were talking. I wasn't tuned into the conversation until I heard Alex raise their voice.

"Of course you can come in! Are you kidding me? This is the greatest day of my life!" Alex shouted.

Phoebe cleared her throat, causing Julien to take her eyes off me and turn to look at Phoebe..

"While you were busy ogling your girlfriend, we were invited in," Phoebe said, elbowing her in the ribs.

"I was not-" Julien started before Alex spoke over her.

"Save it, Baker. Get in here already," they said, waving their hand.

Everyone started to walk in, and they had started talking to each other when I felt a hand wrap around my arm and pull me down the hall in the direction of my room. I happily followed Julien as she dragged me into my room and shut the door behind me, pressing me against it.

"There's no way you just so happened to have this skirt lying around," she said in a low voice.

"You're actually not going to believe the fact that it was literally just lyi-" I started before I felt her lips against mine, shutting me up in the best possible way.

"I missed you so much," she said into the kiss.

"Ditto," I replied.

We kissed for a few more minutes before she pulled away. We stood there for a few seconds just taking in the sight of each other before she took a step toward me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I really missed you," she said into my neck.

"And I really missed you, nerd," I said with a small laugh. "But I am just now processing that we did leave my MUNA crazy best friend alone in the living room with MUNA, so we may need to go rescue them."

"Now when you say, 'them,' are you referring to Alex or MUNA?" Julien asked with a hint of a smirk on her face.

"I haven't decided yet," I replied, laughing again.

"But how am I supposed to focus on anything else when my girlfriend looks this good?" Julien whined.

"I mean, you could stay the night and find out?" I said while raising my eyebrows at her.

"Perfect! And to think we had a whole plan," Julien said as she fake wiped sweat off of her forehead.

"Whole plan?" I asked skeptically.

"Yeah. We brought pizza, snacks, pillows, and blankets in hopes of convincing you guys to let us spend the night here," Julien said with a small smile.

"As if we ever needed convincing," I scoffed. "You guys are always welcome here," I followed up with a smile.

"How do you think Alex took the news?" Julien asked with a slightly scared look on her face.

"Oh, I'm sure they wanted me to pinch them and then realized I wasn't there," I said with a laugh. "I'm surprised we haven't had a knock on the door yet to be honest."

"I heard that!" Alex's voice shouted from the other side of the door, causing my jaw to drop.

I quickly turned around to open the door to see all six of them crowded around the door. They all quickly tried to make it seem like they weren't eavesdropping by pretending to straighten pictures on the wall, or in Alex's case, dropping down to the floor and picking up a single blade of grass that I had tracked in from outside.

"Hello, everyone," I said in a suspicious tone. "Hoping to hear some action?"

A chorus of "no"s erupted, causing Julien and I to laugh. I grabbed Julien's hand as we stepped out of my room.

"I, uh, I dig the shirts by the way," Josette said to Alex and I.

"We had great inspiration," I said with a blush on my face.

"JO DECIDED TO GO BY JO BECAUSE WE SAW YOU GUYS LIVE AND SHE REALLY LIKED THAT YOU WENT BY JO!" Alex shouted before their hand flew up to their mouth and their eyes went wide.

"ALEX! Oh my GOD!" I shouted back, mortified.

"Oh my god," Lucy and Katie said at the same time, causing everyone to laugh.

"We're going to pretend like none of you just heard that and move on with our night, right?" I said as I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck with my hand that wasn't intertwined with Julien's.

"Yeah," Phoebe said. "Absolutely not."

"Well Alex dated a girl that looked like Katie simply because she looked like Katie!" I shouted before ducking into my room and shutting and locking the door behind me.

"I know you did not just say that!" Alex shouted on the other side of the door while banging on the door with their fist.

I heard everyone else laughing as I reached up and unlocked the door.

"Truce?" I asked as I reached my hand out for Alex to shake it.

When Alex reached down to shake my hand I pulled them down and they landed on top of me, causing everyone to laugh even harder.

"DOG PILE!" I heard Phoebe shout before I felt the weight of another person on top of me.

Soon enough, everyone was sprawled out over my bedroom floor and crying laughing at how stupid we would have looked to anyone else in the world if they saw us.

"Alex?" I said, starting to feel the weight of everyone on top of me.

"Yeah, Jo?" they said from on top of me.

"Can you pinch me?" 


a/n: hi!!! i am trying to stay awake and with it enough to listen to 'the rest' that comes out in like 2.5 hours where i am so i may keep writing to stay up if thats cool with you guys hehe

thank u for reading<3

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