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"OH, ow." Ellie grumbles.

"Ow." She repeats as her eyes open and the hazy sunlight hits them. She lays on the living room floor with an empty wine bottle sat next to her. "God." She sighs to herself and slowly sits up. Her head throbs and feels like it may explode.

The night before slowly brings itself to the front of her mind and Ellie curses herself for getting so drunk, but finds her self incredibly grateful that its Saturday, so she at least has time to recover before class on Monday.

She scans the living room for Annie, expecting to see her sprawled out somewhere, but theres no sign of her. Ellie slowly crawls up into a wobbly standing position and waits for the room to stop spinning so she can head into the kitchen for some much needed Advil.

She leisurely walks towards the kitchen, her socks scuff against the slick wood floor. "Ellie?" Annie shouts.

Ellies headache flares and she groans to herself. "What?" Ellie responds harshly.

Annie scurries out of the kitchen, a plate full of breakfast foods in her hands. "Good morning, grumpy! I made you breakfast."

"I can see that." The food looks mouth watering, but Ellies headache stops her from appreciating it fully. "I need some pain killers first."

"Got them right here." Annie holds up a bottle of pills that rattle as she shows them off.

Ellie grabs the bottle. "Wow. Alright. Thanks, A." She takes a seat at the table and pops two of the tablets into her mouth, she swallows them down with some bitter orange juice.

"Of course." Annie says while placing the plate of food down in front of Ellie. "Enjoy!" Her voice is cheerful, a cheerfulness that Ellie has never really seen come from her before.

Last night, Ellie noticed Annies demeanor—how she isn't sad over her missing boyfriend or freaked out and how she seems to always keep herself busy with something, but she didn't say anything and decided to just get drunk with her best friend for fun. She thinks about saying something now, but should she? She doesn't want Annie to get upset or have her spiral into a whirlpool of negative emotions.

"You're in a good mood." Ellie decides to say, coming to the conclusion that seeing if her best friend is okay can't do any harm.

"I guess so." Annie shrugs. "Need more juice?"

"No. Have you heard anything about Riley?" Ellie asks and Annie pauses her movements suddenly.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢.Where stories live. Discover now