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WHEN Ellie comes out of class, Demetri is in the same spot she left him in.

She hops down the stone steps and through the grass to where he stands. Just as she approaches, he turns to her.

"That was longer than an hour." Demetri informs.

"Oh, I know!" Ellie says, rolling her eyes. "My stupid," She whispers that part, "professor kept babbling about stuff." She shakes her head and sighs. "Did you get bored out here?"

"I did, actually." He pushes himself off of the wall he was leaning against, "Are you ready for lunch now?" He takes Ellies books from her arms and holds them in one arm, and then he grabs her hand with his free one.

Ellie smiles at him and they begin walking. "I am, yeah." She just realized how hungry she actually is. "Do you know where you want to go?" She asks.

"I just figured we could go to your favorite restaurant." Demetri answers, because one, he knows no restaurants and probably wouldn't even know which one to pick, and two, he wants the best option for Ellie.

"Oh, well, my favorite place is pretty expensive." She says. "I only go there for my birthday, I have to save up for it—" She pauses, realizing shes rambling a little, "So," She resumes, "lets go to my second favorite place, Marios."

"Ellie, love, I can afford your first choice." Demetri states. "If you want it, we should go."

Ellie shrugs. "Yeah, but Marios has really good garlic knots." She says with a wistful smile, "I'd sell my car for a basket of those, and I love my car."

Demetri nods in understanding. "Very well, we shall go to Marios."

"Hey," Ellie speaks up after a brief pause, "did you play Super Mario Bros as a kid?" She suddenly asks. Speaking of the restaurant sparked a memory in her brain, reminding her of the game she often used to play.

Demetri smiles at her question, finding it amusing how when he was a kid, the universe hadn't even thought up of Ellie yet.

"No, but I played Mario Kart." Which is partly true, he didn't play it as a kid, but he and Felix play the game whenever they can. "I still do."

"Me too!" Ellie says joyfully and unlocks her car, they both get inside. "Mario Kart is fun. I'm really good at it, like groundbreakingly so."

Demetri scoffs and buckles his seatbelt, remembering what Ellie told him earlier. "I doubt you're better than me, but then again, who is?"

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢.Where stories live. Discover now