10, vampire.

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"SAY yes! Flirt a little!" Annie exclaims, peering over my shoulder at my phone screen.

I jump at her sudden close proximity. "You scared the shit out of me!" I complain.

"Sorry." She apologizes, though laughs loudly which completely negates the apology. "But still, say yes. You find him hot, right?" Demetri just sent a text asking if I found him hot in response to the drunken messages I sent him.

I shrug begrudgingly. "I mean, yeah?" More than hot. His face has been stuck in my mind since I met him. I dream about him more often than not if I'm being completely honest.

"Okay, then tell him that. Live a little, babe. This is like your first almost relationship in four years." Annie comments.

I mean, shes right, I haven't had a relationship in a long while, but at the same time do I really want one? Thinking of being in an actual relationship with Demetri makes my heart hammer in my chest and my stomach erupts with butterflies. Maybe I do.

I take a deep breath and begin typing, my face flushed with embarrassment. I send the text and then throw my phone to the end of the couch. "Oh gosh." I sigh and rest my head on the back of the couch. All the text said was 'i suppose i do.' But still! Admitting I find an extremely attractive person attractive isn't something I do often.

Annie begins clapping her hands. "I'm so proud!"

"I'm mortified." I whisper to myself.

"Oh," Annie scoffs, "whats the worst that could happen? Its just a text."

"I guess you're right." I digress with an airy sigh.

"Course I am." Annie boasts and sits herself on the couch next to me. "Ready to start the movie?" She asks, holding the remote in her hand and pointing it at the TV.

I nod. "Yep."

She hits play and the movie starts playing, engrossing us both quickly.

The sun eventually starts to set as we flip through an abundance of films. Orange light fills the apartment and gleams against the tv screen.

Annie scoffs and pauses The Avengers. "I think we should invest in some curtains." She sits forward and stretches out her limbs. "You want some popcorn?"

"I'm more shocked that the sun made an actual appearance today." I comment. "And yes, popcorn would be great. Thanks."

Annie hops from the couch and hurries into the kitchen. I reach for my phone, deciding that I should see if Demetri has responded. My heart pounds quickly as I turn it on, and it thrashes even harder when I see that he did reply.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢.Where stories live. Discover now