22, funeral.

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BEING a vampire is okay, I guess.

I didn't think it would be, because being forced to watch the world collapse and your family fade away didn't sound all that fun, but it isn't so bad, albeit I've only been a vampire for a week now.

The heightened senses are quite nice, and being able to get anywhere in under a minute, or even just a few seconds, is very convenient, plus being with Demetri as a vampire is completely different, though in an amazing way.

But the thirst for blood on the other hand, is not nice, convenient, nor amazing. It's worse than being on a diet and trying not to give into your cravings, or like being stuck in the middle of the desert while eating fire, multiplied by one thousand, with no water to drink. And it's difficult to not just run away and sink my teeth into the first human I see, or smell, I guess.

Demetri and the Cullens have been helpful, though, all guiding me through my cravings. I've been drinking human and animal blood, though I prefer human, which still comes in bags, I drink more animal, really to just appease Carlisle, not that he demands it or anything, but also to help my urges.

With the thirst, another thing that sucks, is the fact that Charlie and Renee, and everyone else besides supernatural creatures, has been led to believe that I am dead. Carlisle was the one to break the news, saying I was in an accident, which the Cullens staged by setting my actual car ablaze with a cadaver inside.

Alice promises that I'll love the car they already bought for me.

Bella was informed a little bit before we decided on an alibi, we had to promptly decide, because dad was starting to ask questions.

Bella was surprised at my change, but glad that I'm okay-ish with what I've become.

My funeral was today, and now it is time for the burial. Carlisle, Emmett, Alice and a few of my friends from the reservation are watching it happen, like Billy, Seth and Leah (they agreed to converge on behalf of selling the story to the humans) — though all three are aware that I'm still alive, and that it was not the Cullens whom turned me, rather the Volturi, Jane specifically, which they can really do nothing about, unless Jane steps on their lands again, and she isn't likely to be in Washington anytime soon.

Bella and Edward had to tell Charlie that there was a horrible storm and they could not make it to the funeral. Bella wanted to attend, but I told her not to bother, the storm was actually my idea. She has been talking to Charlie for hours every single day, comforting him because she can't be here.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢.Where stories live. Discover now