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I was in a deep sleep when I was suddenly awoken by the sounds of little wet footsteps coming into our room. It was odd because I was pretty sure our door was closed before I went to bed. Hesitant, I merely slipped my hand under my pillow to tap the screen of my phone to see the time; "4:00am" the screen blinked.
Swiftly I turned myself back to face towards the door of our bedroom and gulped, the door was still closed though I couldn't help but felt as if someone or something had their eyes on me, I lowered my eyes to the foot of the bed. In the vast darkness pooled at the foot, my vision began to adjust; I started to make out a rather short figure, standing there with a slight shake, they or it was soaking wet from head to toe, our eyes met, then out of shock I immediately turned to face the wall behind. Instantly wet footsteps sped past where the figure was, I could hear it had gasped past by, our door flung open and I could hear the wet footsteps go off into the distance, just past the bathroom and through the kitchen where I heard the back door also flung open. There was a moment of silence before I took a breath. I tried to wake my partner who was asleep next to me but to no avail, they remained in a deep slumber.

Curious but frightened, I gathered the courage to sit up. Scrambling to find my phone under my pillow, I shake my phone to activate its flashlight and shine it around our room to make sure it's clear before I decide to get up and turn on the light. Looking down to the floor I could see wet puddles trailing out of our room but our door was still shut. Didn't it flung open? I question. With my light on hand, I open our door and follow the wet trail up to the bathroom. The light was still on, reluctantly, I peek into the bathroom; the trail ends into the bathtub that oddly is still full with murky water. Did someone forget to drain it or? I question again trying to find any reasonable explanation I could imagine. I shut the door behind me as I stepped all the way into the bathroom, walking towards the bathtub, cautiously I reached in to pull the plug to drain the murky water. It's almost as if someone had tingled my spine right as the last bit of water went down, I immediately went to relieve myself and got out of the bathroom as fast as I could. On my way back, I could tell that no one else was awake at this hour so it would be impossible for anyone to forget to drain the tub if they bathed.

As soon as I got back into our room, I tried a second attempt to wake my partner. He begrudgingly looked up to me half awake, "What is it? What do you want?", I merely stuttered out,"D-did you take a bath while I was out? Or did anyone forget to drain the tub?"
Puzzled, he replied, "No, pretty much everyone went to bed shortly after you did and I only showered, not bathed". For a good moment I sat in silence, was that a ghost I just encountered?! I exclaimed in my head.
Finally, I managed to fall back asleep and fill in my partner about what happened the previous night.
Weird things always manage to go bump in the night at 4:00am as this wasn't the first or the last paranormal experience we've had to experience in our lives.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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