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~no pov

Draco found himself amused by seeing the Golden Trio drunk. At first he didn't think they'd let themselves be so vulnerable around him, but they had each other and there was only one-magicless Draco to deal with.

They could all easily take him down, drunk or not, with or without magic.

It was funny to see Hermione Granger giggly and very touchy, wanting Ron Weasley to hold her constantly. She made sure she hugged everyone, even Draco somehow, which made the redhead very jealous.

It was like Weasley forgot he married the woman, and was very possessive. He complimented his wife over and over like he needed her to know how much she loved him. The rings on their hands apparently weren't enough for that.

And then there was Potter, who was much more entertaining to watch when Draco was sober. Potter would tell stories and act like he was the bravest man on earth, which he quite possibly could be, before flirting with everyone around him.

Even the Weasley, which made Draco collapse onto the sofa in a fit of laughter, because Weasley flirted back, and Granger got jealous and made her husband cuddle her.

They were telling stories, and that's when Draco stopped being so amused and became jealous. He wanted to talk to his Hogwarts trio and reminisce, but they probably didn't even know if he was still alive.

Would they even reach out if he was? Did they wish he wasn't alive? Did they care about him at all- the lost war criminal who was hated by all of Wizardkind? 

Granger was on her second bottle of Prosecco when she was drunk-drunk, and Weasley and Potter had gotten out Firewhiskey.

Just the word fire had Draco fidgety, but the sight of a wizard's drink made him nostalgic. He wanted to have some, try it again for the first time in years, but he couldn't. He was the sober one, his own choice, and he didn't deserve something he was purposefully deprived of.

He could easily get some, but he only bought potion's ingredients from the Wizarding World. That was his own choice, and he had to suck it up and accept it. He couldn't change his mind seven years later. That was stupid.

Everyone was wasted, and Granger felt sick, so Draco took her to the bathroom and held her hair back as she threw up, and she drunkenly confessed that she was glad he had changed, and she appreciated him taking care of her. He apologised over and over to her about everything, and she just hugged him.

When she washed her mouth out, she rolled her sleeve and Draco felt ill at the sight of the mudblood scar.

im gonna pretend she had a chandelier dropped on her like in the books but also got mudblood carved into her bc angst

"I'm so sorry." He said over and over. 

"It's okay. You couldn't have stopped her."

"I still should've tried." 

He walked Granger back to Weasley, who drunkenly accused Draco of making a move on his wife, but accepted her back into his arms and continued drinking, watching god-knows-what with Potter.

Draco went to the bathroom, sobbing quietly as the memories of seeing Hermione Granger tortured by his aunt replayed over and over, silently screaming at himself to do something, to stop his aunt and save an innocent girl. He didn't, he couldn't save her and he was so angry at himself for it.

He got his blade out and made a bloody mess over the sink, sighing as the pain in his arm overtook the pain in his mind, and cleaned the mess, cleaned his arm and plastered the cuts up. He rolled his sleeve down and felt the blood seep through the fabric plasters, but ignored it. 

Blood wasn't visible through black material. 

When he returned to the living room, he saw the Golden Trio asleep, cuddling each other, with Granger sandwiched in between her best friends. Draco thought it was adorable, found the blankets and covered them up, moving the alcohol away.

This felt right. Taking care of people he hurt was one way to try and rid the red in his ledger, although that wasn't his intention. These sweet people deserved to be taken care of, rather than hurt.

He went upstairs, found his kid and Teddy sleeping on the floor and felt guilty. He should've prioritised them- that's why he didn't drink. Well, one reason why.

Sighing, he picked up both kids and tucked them into Teddy's double bed, making sure they both had a stuffie to cuddle. He knew his son slept with one, so he assumed Teddy wouldn't mind one either.

Then he cleaned up the toys, put all the gifts back in their respective bags and put them on Teddy's desk so they could easily find them the morning after.

When he felt his job was done, he went and cleaned up the leftover plates, put the remaining rice and curry into containers and refrigerated them. Dishes were washed, glasses were put away and alcohol put into the fridge.

He saw the trio fighting each other in their sleep for space on the sofa and laughed quietly to himself. Would it be overstepping if he took Potter to his room? He'd been in there before, only to get the brunet a new shirt when he spilled salad all over himself.

Fuck it. It is what it is.

Draco picked the Saviour up, knowing it would be a bit difficult since he couldn't use a featherweight charm, but did it regardless. He'd eaten enough to have some sort of strength.

When you have too much time on your hands and used to have an eating disorder, exercising was pretty easy and a big part of your life.

He had enough strength to take Potter to his bed, hoping the brunet would be comfortable in his joggers and tank top, and covered him with his duvet. The man turned over on his side before Draco could remove his glasses, and had to fight the sleeping man to take them off.

He laughed so hard that he almost woke up Potter, and scolded himself mentally.

Returning to the living room, he made sure the married couple were comfortable, switched off the TV, closed the blinds and Apparated home to get them hangover potions for the morning.

He left two on the coffee table, with some water for when they complained about the taste, and did the same for Potter, leaving a potion on the bedside table.

He then went back home and started studying to find a way to make his hangover potions taste better without messing up the potion's original purpose.

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